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understand the nature of God's
original c reation:
is like the
unfinished furniture available in
sorne stores. This furniture is "in
the raw"-it is fi nished all but for
the final varnish, polish or paint.
Sorne can save money by doing this
themselves- provided
they have the skill to do so. This
furniture may be of fine and superb
quali ty- yet lacking the final beau–
So it is with God's creation. It is
but subject toa beaut ifying
fini sh that God intended angels to
accomplish. The original " unfin–
ished" creation was produced by
But he intended angels,
prehistorically, and MAN, now, to
utilize creative power- to finish
this part in God's creation-of add–
ing the final beautifying and utili–
tarian phases of what shall be the
And whether or not it had been
revealed to the angels, it was a
supreme TRIAL ANO TEST. Jt was to
be the PROVI NG GROUND of obe–
dience to Goo's GOVERNMENT and
their fitness to develop into final
finished creation the millions of
other planets in the vast universe.
For what is revealed in God's Word
indicates that God had created the
ent ire PHYSJCAL universe at the
same time he created the earth.
The seventh word in Genesis 1:1
should be translated "heavens."
This word includes the vast uní–
verse, not just this earth's atmo–
Rad ioactive elements and the
law of radioactivity prove that there
was a time when MATTER did not
exist. Goo is a spi rit. God is com–
posed of spirit. God was befare ALL
ELSE-the CREATOR of all. Angels
were created prior to the earth.
What God reveals strongly implies
that matter had never existed
befare the original creation of the
earth- that the entire
verse was brought into being at that
God's Purpose for Angel s
So the angel potential was to takc
over the entire universe-to im–
prove and fini sh the billions of
physical planets surrounding the
uncountable stars, many of which
are SUNS. T he sun in our solar sys–
tem is merely an average-size sun.
November/ December 1985
Sorne that we see as stars a re
actually many, many times larger
than our sun. Our solar system,
vas t beyond the imaginat ion of
most minds, is on ly a
of our
galaxy, and there are many galax–
ies! In other words, the physical
UNIVERSE that the mighty God
created is
vast beyond imagina–
How GREAT is tbe GREAT
He intended angels to have a
vital part in the final creation of the
endless universe!
(But God may not have then fu l–
ly revealed this awesome potential
in obedience, humi lity and wor–
ship--the way of giving, sharing,
helping, cooperating. H e reasoned
that competition would be better
than cooperation. I t would be an
incentive to excel, to try harder, to
accomplish. There would be more
pleasure in serving SELF and more
He turned
God's law of
LOVE. He became jealous of God,
envious, and resentful against God.
He allowed lust and greed to fi ll
him, and he became bitter. This
inspired a spirit of
deliberately became his Maker's
to the angels, for one third
of them set out to take it
from him by force, with–
out fi rst quali fyi ng.)
For this far - reaching
purpose, God established
his GOVERNMENT on earth
over them. The adminis–
tration of the GOVERN–
MENT OF Goo over this
globe was delegated to the
s uper archa nge l- the
g reat cherub Lucifer.
come as a
surprise to many to learn
that angels inhabited
this earth before the creation
of man.
Bear in mind that even
the holy angels and archangels–
including this super cherub Luci–
fer-of necessity were endowed
with ability to think, to reason, to
form attitudes, and to make choices
and decisions.
As explained previously, God
started this Lucifer out with every–
thing going for him. He sealed up
the sum of wisdom, beauty and per–
fection. He was PERFECT in all his
ways from the instant he was
Created UNTIL INIQUITY-rebei–
Jion, lawlessness- was found in
him (Ezek. 28: 15).
He had been trained and was
thoroughly experienced in adminis–
tration of the GOVERNMENT OF
Goo at the very throne of the end–
less UNIVERSE! He was one of the
two cherubs whose wings covered
the throne of God the MOST High
(Ezek. 28: 14; Ex. 25:20).
How Sin Ent e red
He was created gloriously beauti–
in beauty, but he
allowed vanity to seize him. Then
he turned to erroneous reasoning.
God's law- the basis of God's gov–
ernment- is the way of LOVE–
outgoing concern for the good and
welfare of others, !ove toward God
adversary and enemy. That was
choice, not God's- yet allowed by
God changed his NAME to what
he became, SATAN the DEVIL–
adversary, competi–
tor, enemy.
Satan directed his supernatural
powers henceforth to EVIL. He
became bitter not only against God,
but against God's law. He used his
subtile wiles of deception to lead
the angels under him into disloyal–
ty, rebellion and revolt against the
Creator and fi nally into a
AR of
aggression and violence to attempt
to depose God and seize the throne
of the UNJVERSE.
As long as Lucifer remained
loyal and administered the cov–
ERNMENT OF Goo faithfully, this
earth was filled with wonderful and
perfect PEACE. The angels were
vigorously HAPPY to the extent of
JOY! The law of God's government
and produces peace, happiness,
prosperity and well-being. Sin is
AYOF LJ FE that has
existing EVI LS.
The penalty of sin by the angels
death- for God had made
them immortal spirit beings who