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tomatic-that is, they do not mani–
fest early symptoms but are spread–
ing thc disease.
has been early symptoms in
males who seek treatment that has
been the principal way health offi–
cials trace and treat their female
partners- 80 percent of whom com–
monly do not show or notice early
infectious gonorrhea symptoms.
Many of these infected women seek
treatment only after serious health
damage has occurred.
Spiraling Homosexual STDs
The A IOS tragedy has only recent–
ly pinpoínted the soar ing STO cri–
sis that has long existed among
homosexual males. Sorne health
authorities feel the frequen t bouts
of STOs pícked up by many homo–
sexuals are what weaken so many to
serious cases of A IDS .
Whenever an STO or other
mun icable disease is ínt rod uced
into a promiscuous group it pro–
liferates like wildfire. Bri tish and
American doctors report that the
serious vi ral diseases hepatitis A
and B, which cause jaundíce and
liver faílure, are íncreasíng rapidly
among homosexuals. Sorne health
authorities estímate syphilis and
hepatitis are 1
or more times more
frequent among homosexuals than
among heterosexua1s because of the
nature of homosexual practices.
The folly and danger of promis–
cuous and ímproper sex are far
greater than anyone ever imag–
.God made the human body. The
C reator ínstructed humans in its
proper use. The intestinal tract was
made for elimínating huma n
wastes, toxins and other potentially
dísease-causíng material. The male
and female sex organs were made
for elíminating urinary wastes and
to be united in faithful, holy wed–
lock and love. They are not made
for lust , perversion or promiscui ty.
These words have to be said
because so few are saying them!
Protect Yourself
Many individuals have kidded
themselves that their sexual activi–
ty doesn't fit the promiscuous
mold. They try to redefine promis–
cuity to make themselves feel bet–
ter for not being truly monogamous
or a virgin.
Health officíals, however, report
many boys and girls, and roen and
women, pick up their STO infec–
tion after sexual relations with only
one or two "special" partners. In
mos t cases, the infection was
picked up because one of these
partners had picked up an STO
infectíon somewhere else at sorne
other time.
Sorne who have been careless or
indiscriminate in their sexual líves
have picked up a serious STO
ínfectíon that now líes inactive or
unnoticed: T hat i n fectío n can
rekindle and infect a faithful mate
or innocent children!
Do not think God is ignorant
about all this! To the contrary, God
is going to respond- and sooner in
our generation than many real ize!
The Creator, for now, is letting
human beings, for the most part,
reap the natural consequences of
their own ways of living.
God 's laws, revealed i n the
Bible, show us how to avoid almost
all sexually transmissible diseases,
or at least cut down to an utter
mínimum one's chances of con–
tracting or spreading them. (Let's
not forget, sorne cases of STDs can
develop in monogamous marriages
or in virgins.) Monogamy and vír–
ginity greatly límit the spread of
these diseases. It is permissive and
promiscuous sexual conduct,
in sorne cases, unhygienic living,
that causes STOs to become epi–
Treatment of in fected indívídu–
als is needed . But
proper living- both sexually and
hygienically- is the only sound
way to stop these epidemics.
The bíblica! injunctions against
premarital, extramarital and homo–
sexual practices and uncleanliness
(the improper disposal of human
wastes or improper care of open
sores) are not casual suggestions.
They are living physical and spiri–
tual principies set in motion by the
God's laws were dcsigned to pro–
tect the family unit- every mem–
ber in it. They are intended to pro–
tect and promote the development
of societies and nations that obey
them. D isobeyed, they bring
unimaginable social curses.
Few realize the Bible prophesied
the alarming social disease epidem-
ics reported in this article. Note the
prophecy of Oeuteronomy 28: " If
you are not careful to do all the
words of this law which are written
in this book ... then the Lord will
bring on you
and your offspring
extraordínary afflictions, afflictions
severe and last ing, and sicknesses
grievous a nd lasting . .. . Every
sickness also, and every affi iction
which is not recorded in the book
of this law, the Lord will bring
[God will allow] upon you ..."
(verses 58-59, 61, Revised Stan–
dard Version).
Prevention is the only way to
stop the STO epidemic. That
means premarital, extramari tal,
homosexual and perve rted sex
practiccs- a ll heino us si ns in
God 's sight-must be completely
avoided by single persons or mar–
ried couples wanting to keep clear
of these diseases as much as pos–
But suppose you are in fected
with an incurable STO, or a diffi–
c ult-to-cure one.
any such infec–
tion exists wi thin a marriage, no
sex ual relations should occur dur–
ing any possibly infectious stage,
and otherwise only after advice
from a reputable doctor knowledge–
able in these diseases.
Only you can determine in your
own life to swim against the tide of
modero sexual permissiveness. The
information and warnings from this
art icle- and more important, from
God's revelation to you in Scrip–
ture- put you in the position of
being without excuse!
1f you allow yoursel f to engage in
careless or extramarital sex after
you have received this know l–
edge- then you will reap the con–
Our free updated booklet enti–
Sexual/y Transmissible Dis–
eases- Even You Could Become
contains additíonal vital
information on STDs-with dia–
grams, common misconceptions
about venereal disease, unusual
modes of transmission, VO's tragic
role in history and STD phone hot–
lines for information.
You and your children cannot
afford to be ignorant about these
diseases. You can live the way of
life that will prevent the "silent
epidemic" from ruining your