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all things by Jesus Christ." Jesus is
the Word . It is written, " He spake,
and it was done" (Ps. 33:9). God
tells Christ what to do (J ohn 8:28-
29). Jesus then speaks, as the work–
man, and the Holy Spirit is the
POWER that responds and does
what Jesus commands.
Thus, as we read furt her, in
Colossians 1, beginning verse 12,
" Giving thanks unto the Father,
which hath ... translated us into the
kingdom of his dear Son ... who is
the image of the invisible God [same
appearance, form and shape and
character] ... for by him were all
things created, that are in heaven,
and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones,
or dominions, or principali t ies, or
powers: all things were created by
him, and for him: and he is befare all
things, and by him all things consist"
(verses 12-13, 15- 17).
Therefore God's Word reveals
that God and the Word- two
supreme Personages- coexisted
ALWAYS- and befa re ANYTHI NG
had been created- including this
earth and the ent ire universe.
In the quotation above, Christ
was in the same image- form and
shape- as God. Perhaps it wi ll
make God more real to you when
you realize he is in the same form
and shape as a human being. More
proof of this will be given later.
There was a time, therefore,
when those two Personages coex–
isted and NOTHING ELSE did .
No third Person is mentioned–
no "Ghost." Js God , then, limited to
only two Persons? The fal se Trinity
teaching does limit God to three Per–
sons. But God is not limited. As God
repeatedly reveals, his purpose is to
reproduce himself into what well
may become bi llions of God
is the false Trinity teaching that
limits God, denies God's purpose
and has palpably deceived the whole
Chr istian world. Both God and the
Word themselves are SPIRIT, and
project their Spirit.
How long mu s t they have
thoug ht , and pl an ned , a nd de–
signed, befa re even beginning to
create anythi ng whatsoever!
Bu t ma tter- this earth, the
stars, nebulae, galaxies- was not
the first thing they created.
created angels before the creation
of matter.
October 1985
God speaks of the creation of the
earth in the 38th chapter of Job.
He says that, at the creation of the
earth, all the angels shouted for joy
(verse 7). Therefore all the angels
already were in existence when the
earth was first created .
In Genesis 1:1 it speaks of God
creating the earth and the heavens.
In the Authorized Version the word
used. But the
original Hebrew as Mases wrote,
and as other translations render it, is
in the plural- heavens- implying
that the whole material universe was
created simultaneously with the
earth . This is plainly stated in Gene–
sis 2:4: "These are the generations
[beginnings] of the heavens [plural]
and of the earth when they were
created, in the day that the Lord
God made the earth and the heav–
However, the word
in this
context is not necessarily a twenty–
four-hour day, but a general period
of t ime. That might have been mul–
tiple thousands or mi llions of years
ago. Angels were placed on earth
before the creation of man. Since
angels are immortal spiri t beings,
they might have dwelt here thou–
sands or millions of years befare
the creation of man. How many
God does not reveal. The earth, at
first, was the abode of angels. But ,
Jude 6, " And the angels which kept
not their first estate, but left their
own habitation [the earth] .. .."
What l s God's Appearance?
Now more detail on WHO and
God i s Spirit (John 4: 24 ,
Revised Standard Version). Why is
God not real to so many people?
Because God and the Word were
composed of SPIRIT, not matter, not
flesh and blood, like humans.. God
to human eyes (Col.
1:15) . He does not seem real. To
seem real, the mind naturally wants
to visualize a definite forro and
shape. But even though God is
composed of spirit and not of visi–
ble matter , God nevertheless does
have definite forro and shape.
What is God's forro and shape?
In Genesis 1:26, "God said, Let us
make man in our image, after our
likeness." We know the form and
shape of man. That is the image,
likeness, forro and shapt: of God.
In various parts of the Bible, it is
revealed that God has a face, eyes,
a nose, mouth and ears. He has hair
on his head . It is revealed God has
arms and legs. And God has hands
and fingers. No animal, fowl , bird,
fi sh, insect or any other kind of life
we know of has hands like human
hands. Even if any other living
being of which we know had a mind
to think with, without hands and
fingers he could not design and
make things as a man does.
God has feet and toes and a
body. God has a mind. Animals
have brains, but no mind power like
If you know what a man looks
like, you know what is the form and
shape of Goo, for he made man in
his image, after bis very likeness!
One of J esus' disciples asked him
what God the Father looks like.
Jesus replied: " Have 1 been so long
time with you, and yet hast thou
not known me, Phi lip? he that hath
seen me hath seen the Father ..."
(John 14:9). J esus looked like the
Father. Jesus was, actual ly, "God
with us" (Matt. 1:23). Jesus was
he begotten a nd boro Son of
And what was Jesus' appear–
was that of a human man,
for he also was the Son of man. He
1ooked so much like other J ewish
men of his day that his enemies
bribed Judas to point him out and
identify who, in a crowd at night,
was Jesus.
So now we know God has the
same form and shape as aman. We
also know he is composed of spirit,
not of matter as is man. Spirit is
invisible to human eyes, unless man–
ifested by sorne special process.
so manifested we would
see both God the Father and Christ
now glorified in heaven with faces,
though fo rmed and shaped like
human faces, as bright as the sun
fu ll strength! Thei r eyes flames of
fi re, feet like burnished brass and
hair white as snow (Rev. 1:14-16) .
God ' s Nature and Charact er
Most important of all however is
what is God's nature-his CHARAC–
TER-like? One cannot know
God is unless he knows what bis
the Father and Christ the Son is