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things were made by him; and
without him was not any thing
made that was made. In him was
life; and the life was the light of
men" (John 1:1-4).
"The WoRo" in this passage is
translated from the Greek
which means "spokesman,"
"word," or "revelatory thought."
is the name there used for an indi–
vidual Personage. But who or what
is this Lagos? Notice the explana–
tion in verse 14:
"And the Word was made ftesh,
and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father,) full of
grace and truth."
When he was born as Jesus
Christ, he was flesh and blood,
materialistic and could be seen,
touched and felt. But what was he?
As God-as the Logos? That is
answered in John 4:24, "God is a
Spirit," and spirit is invisible. We
know what was his form and shape
as the human Jesus. But of what
form and shape was he as the
Word? We will explain that later.
The Word, then, is a Personage
who was made flesh-begotten by
God, who through this later beget–
tal became bis Father. Yet at that
prehistoric time of the first verse of
John 1, the Word was not (yet) the
Son of God. He divested himse1f of
his glory as a Spirit divinity to be
begotten as a human person. He
was made God's Son , through
being begotten or sired by Goo and
born of the virgin Mary.
So here we find revealed origi–
two Personages.
One is God.
And with God in that prehistoric
time was another Personage who
also was God-one who later was
begotten and born as Jesus Christ.
But these two Personages were
spirit, which is invisible to human
eyes unless supernaturally mani–
fested. Yet at the time described in
verse one Jesus was
the Son of
God and God was not bis Father.
Who Was Melchisedec?
We find regarding the beginning of
his existence, something further
described in Hebrews chapter 7.
Speaking of Melchisedec, who was
king of Jerusalem in the days of
Abraham, it says also that he was
the Priest of God Most High. This
Melchisedec had existed from eter-
nity-"without father , without
mother, without descent, having
neither beginning of days, nor end
of life; but made like unto the Son
of God;
abideth a priest continual–
(Heb. 7:3).
Since Melchisedec was
" like
unto the Son of God," and abides
as High Priest forever continually,
and J esus Christ is now High
Priest, Melchisedec and Jesus
Christ are one and the same Per-
Therefore Christ was "without
father, without mother, without
descent [in Abraham's time], hav–
ing neither beginning of days, nor
end of life." God also had existed
with the Word. Jesus,
when he was the Word, was an
immortal being who had existed
ALWAYS-there never was a time
when he did not exist-without
beginning of days. He was, then,
" like" the Son of God- but he was
not yet the Son of God. He also was
God, along
These passages show that the
Word, in the beginning-before
ANYTHING had been created-was
with God, and he, also, was God.
Now how could that be?
Well, the son of a man
named Smith might be
Smith (his father) ,
and he a lso
because he takes his
father's name-yet he is a
separate person,
Smith (his father), and he
The only point of dif–
ference in that analogy is
that the Word, at the
time of John l: 1, was not,
yet, the Son of God. But
he was
God, and he
also was God.
They were not yet
Father and
Son-but they were the
of what was
to become
the Goo FAMILY!
That family is c9mposed, now, of
God the Father, and Jesus Christ his
Son, and many begotten humans
who already, NOW, are begotten
(Rom. 8:14, 16; l John 3:2; 11 Cor.
6: 18) , forming the Church of God.
That FAMILY aspect-the Goo
FAMILY-is vitally important, and
this will be thoroughly explained
later. But now, where are we?
Long befare anything else exist–
ed, there did exist two Supreme
Beings, immortal, who ALWAYS had
existed. Your mind can't quite con–
ceive that "always," but neither can
it quite conceive of
what is
ity! Yet you know electricity exists
and is real!
How Christ Was Creator
So back to our question, "WHo and
WHAT is God?" Before
else carne into existence there was
God and the Word, composed of
spirit, not of matter, but neverthe–
less very real. Two Persons-not
three. And, verse 3 of John 1, all
things (the universe) were made by
the Word.
Now understand this, by adding
Ephesians 3:9: " ... God, who
created all things by Jesus
Let me explain. In the first week
in January, 1914, I was sent by a
national magazine to Detroit,
Michigan, to interview Henry Ford
to obtain material for an article on
his sensational new $5-a-day wage
policy. I saw Henry Ford in the
administration building, wearing a
business suit with white collar and
necktie. Then 1 looked across the
breezeway into the giant factory
(then the Highland Park factory)
and I saw perhaps thousands of
meo in overalls, working at
machines powered with electrical
energy. Mr. Ford was called the
of the Ford car. But he
made the cars
these workmen,
who used the power of electricity
and machines.
In the same manner, God the
Father is Creator. But he "created