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that of spiri tual holiness, righteous–
ness and absolute perfection.
That character might be
summed up in the one word LOVE,
defined as an outflowing, Joving
is the way of giving,
serving, helping, sharing, not the
"GET" way.
is the way devoid of coveting,
lust and greed, vanity and selfisb–
ness, competition, strife, violence
and destruction, envy and jealousy,
resentment and bitterness.
God's inherent nature is the way
sitates authoritative Jeadership–
one in command.
When the only conscious Life–
Beings existed, God was leader-in
authoritative command. Tbus, even
when the only conscious Life–
Beings were God and the Word,
there was GOVERNMENT, with God
in supreme command. The govern–
ment of God is of necessity govern–
ment from the top down.
be "government by tbe consent of
the governed." lts laws originate
and are handed down from God–
never legislated by the people-
never dictated by the gov–
ern ed how the govern–
ment over them shall rule
them. Since they created
od's inherent nature is
the wa
of peace
other conscious, thinking
li fe-beings, this very fact
of necessity put the oov–
ERNMENT of God over all
creation, with God su–
preme ruler.
radiating outward toward
those he has created!
Our human civilization
has assumed the preroga–
tive of lawmaking. Human
governments, whether city, county,
state or national, have lawmaking
bodies- city councils, state legisla–
tures, national congress, parliament,
reicbstag, diet, or knesset. But 6,000
years of human experience have
demonstrated the utter incapability
of humans to decide right from
wrong, or to formulate laws for
human conduct and relationships.
PINESS and JOY radiating outward
toward those he has created!
The Word and God LIVED. What
did they do? They created. How did
they Jive- what was their "life–
style"? They lived the way of their
perfect character-the way of out–
flowing LOVE. When J esus was bap–
tized, God the Father said, "You are
Son." God LOVED the
Word. And the Word LOVED God–
obeyed him completely.
Two can't walk together except
they be agreed. They were in total
agreement and cooperat ion. Also
two can't walk together in con tin–
uous peace except one be the head,
or leader, in control. God was leader.
Their way of life produced per–
fect peace, cooperation, happiness,
accomplishment. This
AY of life
became a LA
Law is a code of
conduct, or relationship, between
two or more. One might call the
rules of a sports contest the "law"
of the game. The presence of law
requires a penalty for infraction.
There can be no law without a pen–
alty for its violation.
God-.Author of Government
The very fact of law presupposes
GOVERNMENT. Government is the
administ rat ion and enforcement of
law by one in authority. This neces-
Human lawmaking bodies have
made so many laws, that the aver–
age policeman in a city could not
possibly keep in his mind 1/6 of
the laws whose violations he is sup–
posed to act upon. Sorne may
remember a comic strip in Ameri–
can newspapers, "There ought to
be a law." The comic strip was pok–
ing fun at the very idea that human
lawmakers have made so many
laws, and yet fai l to cover every
possible infraction.
God's law is spiri tual and can be
summed up in one simple but all–
inclusive word- love. His law for
the guidance of human conduct is
subdivided into the two great com–
mandments, !ove toward God and
love toward neighbor. These, in
turn, are subdivided into the 10
Commandments. J esus magnified
this law by showing how its princi–
pie expands to cover virtually every
possible human infraction. The
third chapter of II Corinthians
shows that God's law is to be
applied in principie.
is summed
up in one single word, lave. Nev–
ertheless, it is so perfect that, by
applying its principie, it is a com–
plete law. There is only one perfect
lawmaker, and that is God.
Bear in mind the government of
God is based on the LA
of God,
which is the way of life of outflowing
LOVE, cooperation, concern for the
good of the governed . And this law
of God produces peace, happiness,
cooperation through obedience.
God ls a Family
Now once again to Genesis 1:1: "In
the beginning God...." This origi–
nally was written by Mases as God
inspired him. Mases wrote in
Hebrew. The Hebrew word trans–
lated "God" is
noun or
name, plural in form, but normally
singular in grammatical usage.
the same sort of word as
family .
church. group-one
family consist–
ing of two or more members-one
church composed of many mem–
bers-one group of severa! persons.
It is referring to precisely the
same " Persons, " making up or
composing the one God, as we
found in John 1:1- the Word and
God-and each of those TWO Per–
sons is Goo.
A FAMILY of Persons, composed so
far of on ly the TWO- God the
Father and Christ the Son. But IF
the Holy Spir it of God dwells in an
individual, and he is being led by
God 's Spiri t, then (Rom. 8:14) he
is a begotten son of God. But, at
the time of Christ's return to earth
in supreme power and glory to set
up the KINGDOM OF Goo, restoring
the oovERNMENT OF Goo abol–
ished by Lucifer, then all being
filled and led by God's Spirit shall
become BORN sons of God. The
T he Trinity doctrine
to a supposed three Persons.
DESTROYS the very gospel of Jesus
Christ! His gospel is the good news
of the now soon-coming KINGDOM
OF Goo- the only hope of this
world and its mixed-up mankind!
T he Trinity doctrine, by con–
trast, is the doctrine of the great