veryone wants to be happy in lile.
There is a definite way lo true,
satisfying happiness-a way of
that will produce happiness as a
By teaching your chi ldren early how
lo properly conduct themselves, you
can help them avoid a lite full of heart-
ache and problems.
is never too early to begin giving your
children clear standards of behaviorl
From their earliest years, you are influenc–
ing the character of your children–
actively or passively-for good or evil.
lf you don't actively
them how lo
live lite the right way, they will live it
whichever way tollows the path of least
resistance. "Delinquen! children have
delinquen! parents," goes one saying.
And it's true!
When children are in rebell ion against
parents, there is a reason. There is a
cause. Sorne parents blame circum–
stances for the waywardness of their
children. They blame the school sys–
tems. They blame one another-father
blames mother, and vice versa.
Sorne reason that our youths are only
running their course . They
say, " They're only doing what
did when
was their age!"
These are excuses for paren–
tal neglect. The actions of
parents are responsible for
how their children turn out jusi
as surely as they are respon–
sible for their begettal and
Don't leave your children
on their own to get into trou–
ble in later years. Start early
to put them on the right !rack!
Sidestepping your responsi–
bilities in this area can lead to
ultimate disaster. There are definite pen–
alties for breaking child-rearing laws. lf
practiced, right principies of child rearing
will produce happy, vibran! , responsible
children! lt is in your power lo mold, form,
shape and develop right and wholesome
Still, alter all is said and done, alter the
children are grown and no longer at
home, can any paren! look back and
say, "1 did a pertect job in rearing my
children"? Surely not. At our best, we all
fall short of pertection. In whatever we
do, including child rearing, we must have
God's help. Jesus said, "Without Me you
can do nothing" (John 15:5, Revised
Authorized Version).
This most importan! point in child rear–
ing is probably the most overlooked in
today's world. We humans need divine
guidance. We receive that help through
studying God 's written word and, upon
conversion , by the leading of God's Holy
Spirit (John 16: 13).
Ask God to help you understand what
to do in your situation, in dealing with
your children, and then to help you do it
the right way, with love and consisten–
Children are precious to God (Mark
10: 14).
They are a heritage from him (Ps.
127:3). God lets you care for your chil–
dren for a few years till they are mature.
You must take advantage of the tew
short years they are with you.
Learn torear your children God's way.
lf you do, your children will enrich your lite
greatly and bring joy to your home. The
character you help them build will be of
inestimably great value to them for the rest
this physicallife and, it is to be hoped,
for all eternity. o