(Continued from page 2)
reasoning as it is empowered in the
reasoning and thinking process by
the human spirit.
However, "Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, neither have entered into
the heart of man, the things which
God hath prepared for them that
love him"
( 1
Cor. 2:9). This further
and deeper and more profound spiri–
tual knowledge of God's purposes
and plans and of God's righteousness
is acquirable only by the addition of
the Holy Spirit of God uniting with
the human spirit of man.
On that day of Pentecost, A.o.
31, at the very founding of the
Church of God, this divine Spirit of
God entered into the believers
there assembled in Jerusalem.
The point
want to make at this
juncture is that at this moment of
divine conception-the receiving
of the Holy Spirit- they became
the chi ldren of God, though as yet
unborn. The divine "sperm" of the
Holy Spirit had entered the human
"ovum" as it were, and divine con–
ception had taken place. The
human sperm cell entering the
human ovum constitutes human
The then-fertilized human ovum
from that instant is medically
called an embryo. After sorne
weeks, as it grows gradually into a
human forro, it is called a fetus.
This growing and developing stage
is called gestation. This is the pre–
cise type of spiri tual conception
and the Christian period of growing
spi ritually in grace and spiritual
knowledge (Il Pet. 3:18).
The Bible calls the Church of
God " the mother of us all" who are
the begotten children of God. The
Church, as the spiritual mother,
feeds spiritually the converted
Christians within her, protects
them from false teachings and
ways, and brings them along in a
spiritual period of gestation, ready
to be born spiritually by a resur–
rection (at Christ's coming), an
instantaneous change from mortal
human to d ivine God in the king–
dom of God.
Reproduction of human life is
the exact type of spiritual repro–
duction. Our question is, When
does human life start?
Human life in general started
with the creation of Adam. He alone
was specially created. All other
humans have been reproduced from
Adam. This reproductive process
was designed by the same God who
designed the spiritual reproductive
process by which God is reproduc–
ing himself. A
life fi rst
starts in each individual human; so
life starts by a spi ri tual con–
ception-when the Holy Spirit first
enters the human.
Now when does divine life start?
When does one become a Chris–
tian-one of Christ 's? In Romans
8:9, one who has received the Holy
God purposed that man
should reproduce himself
physically, even as
God is reproducing himself
spiritually. Reproduction
of human life is the
exact type of spiritual
Our question is, When does
human life start?
Spirit is Christ 's. One who has not
the Spirit of God is "none of his"–
not a Christian. And, verse 11, if
the Holy Spirit dwells in one, he
shall be born immortal. In verse 14,
as many as are led by the Holy
Spirit dwelling within them, are,
already, d uring this Christian
life-this spiritual gestation peri–
od- the sons of God, though as yet
unborn spiritually. They are begot–
ten children of God.
In I John 3:1-2: "Behold, what
manner of love the Father hath
bestowed upon us, that we should
be called the sons of God: therefore
the world knoweth us not, because
it knew him not. Beloved, now are
we the sons of God, and it doth not
yet appear what we shall be: but we
know that, when he shall appear,
we shall be like him; for we shall
see him as he is."
Already now in this human
Christian life, as yet unborn, in
gestation stage, we are the children
of God.
et we do not yet "appear"
visibly as we shal l be when born.
At the instant of physical con–
ception, the embryo, and weeks lat–
er the fetus, is, already, the child of
its parents. lt is not just and only a
piece of "fetal tissue," as abortion–
ists argue, in their attempt to justi–
fy human murder.
From the instant of conception, a
human life is in existence. To delib–
erately kili or destroy that human
life, the GREAT LAWGI VER and
punishable by eterna! and final
Regardless of human lawyers,
human courts, human judges, or
even supreme court justices, abor–
tion is an act of murder, in defiance
of the supreme Almighty Goo.
And those who commit it , and
arder it , or "legally" by man's law
authorize it , will be held in con–
tempt of this SUPREME COURT OF
HEAVEN, and answerable to that
great Supreme Judge!
God Almighty has called and
authorized me to "cRY ALOUO,
we obeyed the laws of God we
would avoid a world filled with suf–
fering, anguish and helpless frus–
tration. God's laws are the way to
accomplishments that make life
full, enjoyable and abundant.
God says, "Children are an heri–
tage of the Lord" (Ps. 127:3).
Human family relationship is one
of the supreme blessings God has
given mankind. What a tragedy
that a rebellious manki nd has
spurned, forsake n and deprived
itself of the wonderful blessings
and happiness a Ioving God has
made possible.
However, the final conclusion of
the whole story of human life is this:
When mankind has succeeded in
spurning and repudiating every
blessing, and has brought itself to
the very brink of the total extinction
of the human race through man's
own nuclear and other life-destroy–
ing inventions, the merciful Eterna!
God will intervene and at last usher
in the happy, peaceful and over–
whelmingly satisfying eterna! life in
the glorious kingdom of God. o