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(Continued from page JO)
advance, a lmost every det ail of
today's rapidly worsening condi–
Humanity WILL SURVIVE! There
be a happy WORLD TOMOR–
ROW. Mortal humans do have a
stern lesson to learn first. Human
bung ling will bring accelerated
wor ld trouble before God-ignoring
humanity will be willing to learn.
Few realize that 90 percent of
bibl ical prophecy pertains to OUR
TIME, and the time immediately
ahead. And approximately a third
(Continued from page
a British current affairs
publicatio n, U .S . foreign a ffairs
analyst Irving Kristol wrote:
" Amer ica's Eu ropean allies are
fast approaching a moment of deci–
sion . The United States is not going
to remain committed to the defence
of Western Europe, at t he risk of
nuclear a nnihilation, if Western
Europe is not equally committed to
the defence of America's interests.
In the debate over Central Ameri–
ca, the very existence of NATO
itself is at stake....
"A major clash between the
United States and Europe over Cen–
tral America could soon lead to over–
whelming pressures in t he United
States for a redefinition of its role in
NATO- even to t he point of the
withdrawal of U.S. forces from the
European continent. This prospect is
something Europeans should ponder
most seriously."
In the summer of 1984, the U.S.
Senate narrowly defeated the so–
called Nun n Amendment that
called for a rapid reduction of up to
one t hi rd of U.S. forces in Europe.
T he amendment was offered as a
resul t of alleged foot-dragging on
the par t of the European allies as to
their defense spending plans. A
U.S .-Eu rope rift over Cen tra l
Amer ica would certainly resu lt in
far greater Senate action on reduc–
tion of U.S. forces in Europe.
End of Postwar Harmony
We have reached the end of 40
years of relative harmony in t he
of the Bible is prophecy! It has
been neglected utterly. I t has been
terribly mísunders tood , misrepre–
is t remendously impor–
tant! Especially now!
Earlier in this article 1 said J esus
of Nazaret h was t he world's
greatest NEWSCASTER. Many, de–
ceiving and being deceived , have
represented bis teaching as a sent i–
mental religious teaching having no
relation whatever to this life, this
world, its nations, its governments,
its society. THAT CONCEPT IS
J esus ' "gospel" (and remember
means "good news" ) was
actua ll y bis AOVAN CE NEWS
Wes t e rn world . The worldwide
postwar policy of communist "con–
tainment" erected by the United
States is b re a king d own a ll
I n the South Pac ific , the
ANZUS alliance has been shaken
by New ZeaJand's concern over
extending por t privi leges to nu–
clear-armed and nuclear-powered
U .S. war s h ips. Sma l l nations
t hroug hout t he Paci fic, which have
viewed the smooth operations of
ANZUS as a force for stabil ity, are
deeply concerned.
And i n E u rope itse l f , the
N ATO alliance will be faced over
the next two to three years with
íts greatest crisis ever, not along
the "front line" in Europe, but
over differences concerning the
escalation of warfare in t he West–
ern Hemisphere.
Moscow, it should be noted, will
have every incentive lo keep t he
pressure on in Central America–
ín order to obtain one of íts key
obj ectives : t he removal of U.S.
forces from Europe.
Only when t hat occurs would the
Kremlin consider loosening its grip
over Eastern Europe, perhaps re–
structuring the region into what
J onathan Steele calls a form of
"Yugoslavianization." He asks:
"Could neutrali ty emerge in such a
way that the regimes maintained an
essentially Communist system with
a leading party and tight control of
the med ia?"
A united- or perbaps better
expressed ,
conf ederated- Europe
is coming , with greater cooperation
between East and West. Bible
REPORT o f the KI NGOOM- t he
GOVERNMENT-of Goo, soon now
to b r ing us world PEACE. T he
KINGDOM of Goo is, simply t he
wo r ld- r uli ng GOVERNMENT o f
God. I t is absolutely
a sent i–
mental, ethereal, imaginary some–
t h ing "set up in the hearts of
l t
is something REAL! Jt is
And Jesus C hrist was born to be
the KING of that WORLD GOVERN–
MENT (Luke 1:30-33; J ohn 18:36-
37; Rev. 11 :15; 19: 11-16).
J esus
so promised bis disciples that he
would return- so, now soon he
and bring us peace at last!
prophecy reveals that an e nd-time
r evival o f the a nc ient Roma n
Empire will once again arise in the
heart of Eu rope.
wi ll be com–
posed of 1O nations, with perhaps
five from Western Europe, and five
from East-Central Eu rope. T his
system is depicted in the second
chapter of the book of Daniel as a
human image standing o n
/egs- indicating perhaps t he in–
complete fusion of East and W est.
Religion will play a majar role in
providing .the imperfect adhesion of
the two halves of t he comi ng
Europe. Mr. Brzezinski also d raws
attent ion to the special appeaJ of
Pope John Paul
"whose vis ion of
Eu rope's spi rit ual unity," he says,
" has obvious political implica–
appears increasingly t hat only
when Amer ica's d irect presence
from Europe is removed and t he
Soviets relax t heir g rip on t he East
will this new Europe arise in the
part ial political vacuum created.
A new, more united Europe,
observed Hedley Bu ll , writing in
the Spring 1983 issue of
Atlant ic
" is likely to d isappoint
sorne of the ex pectations that
Americans commonly have about
it. l t would be less willing to follow
the American lead , more capable of
working against American policies
shou ld it wish to do so, and more of
a risk as an al ly of the United
States t han one America is able to
cont rol."
T he new Europe, moreover , may
come a lot sooner than experts pre–
d ict. Europe will not wit ness anoth–
er 40 years of d ivision.