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lt All Happened So Fast!
Thanks so much for the
timely article on accidents or
rather "crashes." You
couldn't have said it more
succinctly when you wrote,
"You only havc to meet a
windshield headfirst once to
become acutely aware of the
absolute need for safety
precautions." This 1 know,
too, 1 even hit my windshield
with my seat belt fastened
(that was before shoulder
straps)! Unfortunately, most
people have to experience an
accident before buckling up
(as you know). Sorne don' t
get a second chance.
Polly Edington
Tbief River Falls,
New Subscribers
Finally, after twenty years
or more, 1 have received my
personal copy of
The Plain
Truth .
1 have been
this magazine practically all of
my life. 1 say that because 1
have been searching for
understanding ever since 1 was
old enough to think for
In the early sixties, fresh
out of college, driving at night
in southeastern New Mexico, 1
used to tune in to the
radio prograrn. 1
liked what 1 heard then and 1
love what 1 am read ing now.
Somehow, 1 knew that a
magazine or a book existed
that wou1d help me gain
understanding, but it was not
until one evening last fall that
my wife brought home a used
copy of
The Plain Truth
t hat
my feeling was verified.
Thank you for being born
to help us! With your help 1
am sure that 1 can he1p myself
solve my problems and as a
result 1 can he1p others.
Eli Herrera
Taos, New Mexico
Today 1 had the p1easure of
reading two of your rccent
publications, the
November-December 1984
and January 1985 issues. 1 was
surprised by logic of
most of your articles and
wondered how 1 had not
perceived these "truths"
before. 1 might add, however,
that 1 have been striving for
years to gain a better
unde rstanding of the
Scriptures and their
appl ication to
life (past,
present and future).
1 would also appreciate
being enrolled in tbe
Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course.
have taken many Bible study
courses but fee1 this one may
be very beneficia!.
Linda Jackson
Washington, D.C.
Recent ly at the grocery
store, 1 picked up a copy of
your magazine, just out of
curiosity. How impressed 1
was with the article
"Depression" in the
November-December 1984
issue, as well as the articles on
wives and husbands.
In fact, 1 was so impressed
that 1 sent my copy to a
friend in West Gerrnany who
is studying to becorne a
pastor. Cou1d you please send
me another copy of the
November-December 1984
issue as well as the next issue?
was amazing to me that
thesc two issues dealt with two
major prob1ems with which 1
am now having lo deal:
deprcssion and putting my
semi-invalid mother into a
nursing home.
Gwendolyn S. Beck
J efferson City, Missouri
Must confess I've gotten so
many magazi nes of late that 1
did not read
The Plain Truth
unti1 two editions back.
lmmediately 1 1earned how
thought-provoking it is . 1' 11
not only read the magazine,
but keep thc magazines filed.
J oseph A. Meadows
Greens boro, North Carolina
1 was reading the Letters to
the Editor in your 50 years
anniversary magazine.
1 would like to comment on
a letter from a Roger Ford
titled "AIDS." 1 di sagree with
Mr. Ford. 1 was not born the
way l've been. 1 had my
choice. After years of being
ashamed, crying and seeking a
crutch, 1 wanted to change my
life. 1 prayed for God 's help.
took over a year. God
searched my heart, saw that 1
myself wanted to change, and
now 1 do not enjoy going to
gay bars. In fact, when 1 went
there lately, the surroundings
made me somewhat sick. 1
thought of different guys who
were gay, telling me they
didn't want to be gay. They
chose to be gay as l had. 1
asked God to change me. He
has! But 1 really wanted to
Name withheld on reques t
Cincinnati, Ohio
... The article did an
excellent job of publicizing
this silent maimer and killer:
it also stated: "It's st ill
casier- and more
profitable- to write a dr ug
prescription than to tell an
average patient to lose excess
weight, stop smoking, quit
worrying, exercise more and
reduce intake of salt.
cholesterol, and heavily rcfined
foods." As
physician 1
applaud your extolling thesc
virtucs, which by the way,
have been pushed by
physicians for years. but find
your insinuation that
physicians profit more from
writing prescriptions than
from giving sound advice quite
First, physicians make no
money writing a prescription,
the drug company does .
Second, physicians have been
telling patients to do the above
measures for almost as long as
hypertension has been
recognized. Thirdl y, most
often it is patient resistance to
complying with the above
steps that has led to the
popularity of medications to
treat hypertension. The
physician, caught between a
patient who refuses to stop
smoking, lose twenty pounds,
and steer clear of salt and
fat-laden foods , and knowing
the endstage effects of
uncontrolled hypertension,
st rokes, heart and kidney
failure, and blindness, is
willing to compromise, and use
a medication to make up for a
patient's lack of willpower. . ..
Although we are certainly not
without blame in the present
medica! milieu, it is the plain
truth that a physician can only
help a patient as much as that
patient allows him.
R.R. Francis, M .O.
Seattle, Washington
Your criticísm is we/1 taken.
Comme/11 about patiem
resístance ís worthy of an
emire article.
Young Readers
Young people (like me)
need Christian encouragement.
1 cannot afford to give a
contribution with money. but 1
can with words.
1 think
The Plain Truth
a quality magazine. and 1 am
glad that 1 can get it with no
obligation or a salesman
knocking at my door!
Rutb Ann Burris
Terre Haute, Indiana
Photo credit on
page 42 of the April issue
should read. "AII other photos
by R. and S. Michaud-Wood–
fin Camp... In t he May issue.
under "The First 12 Weeks,"
text should read "more t han 2
inches long...