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has made known to King Nebu–
chadnezzar what will be in the lat–
ter days....
"You saw, O king, and behold,
a great image. This image, mighty
and of exceeding brightness, stood
befare you, and its appearance was
frightening. The head of this
image was of fine gold, its breast
and arms of silver, its belly and
thighs of bronze, its legs of iron,
its feet partly of iron and partly of
"As you looked, a stone was cut
out by no human hand, and it
smote the image on its feet of iron
and clay, and broke them in pieces;
then the iron, the clay, the bronze,
the silver, and the gold, all together
were "Qroken in pieces, and became
like the chaff of the summer
threshing floors; and the wind car–
ried them away.... But the stone ·
that struck the image became a
great mountain and filled the whole
But what did it MEAN? lts MEAN–
ING was a NEWS forecast leading to
the present world turmoil , and its
imminent and SURE outcome!
NEWS that vitally affects the life of
every reader of
The Plain Truth.
"This," continued Daniel, "was
the dream; now we will tell the king
its ·interpretation. You, O king, the
king of kings, to whom the God of
heaven has given the kingdom, the
power, and the might, and the glo–
ry ... you are the head of gold.
After you shall arise another king–
dom inferior to you, and yet a third
kingdom of bronze, which shall
rule over all the earth."
Here was NEWS of the future. It
was news reported in adv.ance. And
it happened! After the Chaldean
Empire, the Persian Empire arase.
was inferior as a world empire
intellectually, morally, and in hon–
or, splendor and glory- as silver is
less valuable than gold. But, as sil–
ver is harder than gold, so was the
Persian Empire stronger in military
Humanity was deteriorating .
The Persian Empire fell befare
the swift conquering flight of
young Alexander the Great, with
his Greek and Macedonian army.
Alexander expanded bis empire
farther east and west and south–
greater in military strength, more
in quantity- greater in area and
population ruled- but inferior in
quality, as bronze is of less value
than silver, yet a harder metal.
Alexander wept, it is said,
because he had no more worlds to
conquer. He died young. His
empire was divided into four divi–
sions, each ruled by one of his four
top-ranking generals.
Now continue this most unusual
form of NEWS REPORT.
The Roman
"And," continued Daniel, "there
shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as
iron.. .." This was the Roman
Empire, which swallowed up all
four surviving divisions of Alexan–
der's Greco-Macedonian Empire,
and spread out farther besides.
was..the strongest military power in
world history up to that time. And
the two legs symbolized the
of the mighty Roman
Empire- with the eastern capital
at Constantinople (today called
Istanbul, Turkey), and the western
capi tal at Rome.
But Daniel continued: "And as
the toes of the feet were partly iron
and partly clay, so the kingdom
shall be partly strong and partly
brittle ... but they will not hold
together , just as iron does not mix
with clay."
There are three other specific
prophecies- FUTURE NEWS RE–
PORTS---one in the seventh chapter
of Daniel, and one in the 13th and
one in the 17th of Revelation,
which also depict the future NEWS
of this same succession of world
empires. Putting al! four prophe–
cies together, it becomes plain that
the toes of this image represent a
last, final resurrection- or re–
birth---of the Roman Empire in
our time!
Soon·Coming Unlted States
of Europe
There is not space for details in this
article. (Request our free booklet
The Book of Revelation Unveiled
at Last .)
But the two prophecies in
the book of Revelation report clear–
ly-/ong in advance-the
fall of
the original Roman Empire in A.D.
476, its restoration by Justinian in
554 and its history up to the fall of
Napoleon in 1814.
Then Revelation 17:8 shows the
partial reviva! of this empire under
Mussolini- after he took Ethiopia,
adding it to Italian Somaliland, Eri–
trea, Libya and ltaly- officially
naming it "the Roman Empire."
These prophecies depict detailed
ADVANCE NEWS of One more, last
reviva! of this empire, yet to occur,
by a union of 1O nations, or groups
of nations, in Europe.
This coming "United States of
Europe" is the dream of many lead–
ers-not only within Europe, but in
Britain and America. The Common
Market is only its economic begin–
Every indication is that this
news. And it will completely STUN
The P/ain Truth
has reported this news in advance
for the past 51 years!
Can you envision what that will
mean in the world's balance of
But these nations will not cling
long or loyally together. The 10
toes of Nebuchadnezzar 's image
pictured this United Europe mil–
lennia in advance. They will not
cleave together for long, even· as
iron and miry clay will not .
Then what shall happen?
This prophecy-and others–
give you the NEWS long in
Then Finally-W()RLD
Continue Daniel's explanation to
King Nebuchadnezzar.
"And in the days of those kings
[these then who are to unite in
Europe!] the God of heaven will set
up a kingdom which shall never be
destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty
be left to another people ... and it
shall stand for ever. ... A great
God has made known to the king
what shall be hereafter. The dream
is certain, and its interpretation
sure" (quoted from Daniel
This is just one of severa!
explicitly affirm there WILL BE a
world government that shall bring
this war-weary earth PEACE AT
Not by the help of men or of
their human governments-but in
spite of them. Other prophecies
report, centuries and millennia in
(Continued on page 44)