2) Any one of six existing causes
The person who is unwilling to
consider that the Creator Goo is a
real, living, all-wise, all-knowing,
all-powerful personal BEING, has
only the CERTAINTY of existing
world conditions fast closing in
upon him!
But for the reader who is willing
to listen, 1 give you not only your
ONLY HOPE of survival, 1 give you
your one SURE HOPE.
World 's Most Accurate
First, notice the published report
of the world's No. 1 newscaster.
This newscast was a FORECAST.
And it's CERTAIN. 1 know, very
few ever realized that Jesus
Christ carne as a NEWSman–
reporting NEWS for the future.
He spoke of 20th-century world
conditions-and wORLD GOV–
ERNMENT to come. The world
has misunderstood, perverted,
maligned bis message.
The word
means GOOD
NEWS. And his was news for the
FUTURE. He described today's
violent chaotic world. In the
pivota! prophecy of the New
Testament of the world's best–
se lling book, he graphically
described the international chaos
into which the world is rapidly
plunging right now. He said the
violence would explode into a
world trouble so great, that
unless God intervened, no
human would remain alive.
Yet , he promised, the all–
powerful God would intervene
supernaturally to cut short this
world chaos (Matt. 24:21-22).
NEWS-Past, Present, Future
No book has so great a sale as the
Holy Bible. And no book ever was
so unread, misunderstood, ma–
ligned, distorted, misrepresented.
Those who profess to use it as the
source of their religion promulgate
doctrines diametrically opposite
from its teachings.
Few know that a whole third,
approximately, of that book is
devoted tO FUTURE NEWS of world
happenings. News of the now soon-
coming peaceful and happy WORLD
21. lt's the BEST NEWS you ever
We look, now, at one pivota!
NEWS DISPATCH within this voi–
ume, which covers dramatically a
panorama of the dominating gov–
ernments, past, immediate present
and future.
Advance News Report
You never thought of this pan–
oramic look ahead as a NEWS
REPORT? It's time we recognized it
for precisely what it is! And it's
Incredible though it seems-and
reported in Daniel 2.
was one of
those rare dreams that remain
indelibly impressed on the mind
after awaking. He thought it must
have meaning.
So Nebuchadnezzar called in all
his astrologers, bis religious lead–
ers, magicians, his chief advisers,
his wisest men. He determined to
test their clairvoyant powers.
"lt was a terrifying dream, yet
it's gone from me," he told them.
"1 want you to tell me what 1
you fail, I'll know you
are fakes and pbonies, and 1'11 have
you all put to death."
But even with their. lives at stake,
bis wisest men could not tell Nebu–
chadnezzar what he had
Humanity will survive! There
will be ·a happy world
tomorrow. Mortal humans
Now among other na–
tions tbat had been con–
quered by this great
Chaldean king was the
kingdom of Judah, whose
capital city was Jerusa–
lem. These Jews had been
taken as captives and
transported from their
bornes in their cities,
towns and countryside to
the land of the Chaldeans,
where they were made
slaves. But four outstand–
ingly brilliant lads had
been inducted into impor–
tant government positions
in Babylon. Among them
was Daniel.
These four Jewish lads
were seized, to be put to
death along with the sor–
cerers, magicians and
Chaldean "wise men."
Daniel asked for time,
promising that he would
be able to tell the king his
dream and its meaning.
do have a stern
lesson to learn first. But
we shall learn!
would-be discreditors to the con–
trary notwithstanding-the evi–
dence has demonstrated conclusive–
ly that this world-news report was
written about 600 years befare the
birth of Jesus Christ.
It concerns the king of the Chal–
dean Empire that ruled the West–
ern world from 609 to 539 B.c. His
name was Nebuchadnezzar. His
capital was the ancient glamor city
and world capital, Babylon. One
night this king dreamed a remark–
able and frightening dream as
The four Jewish lads
prayed to their God for the answer.
That night it was revealed to Daniel
in a vision (now q uoting the
Revised Standard Version):
Report on What ls to Be
"Are you able to make known to
me the dream ... and its interpre–
tation?" asked the king when Dan–
iel was ushered into his presence.
"No wise men ... can sbow to the
king the mystery ... ," replied
Daniel, "but tbere is a God in heav–
en who reveals mysteries, and he