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What Thu Can DoAbout lt!
Dan C. Taylor
Societies that thought it couldn' t happen to them are now beset with the problem!
of us would
rather not talk about
child sex abuse.
The problem is, child moles–
tation worldwide feeds on just
such an atmosphere of igno–
rance and secrecy. These are the
molester's allies.
By informing yourself on how .
others have learned to deal with
this problem, you can help your
family avoid a tragedy that besets
hundreds of thousands of families
each year.
Scope of the Problem
There are individual s
and groups that see
nothing wrong with
adult-child sexual rela–
tionships. The motto
of one organization of
pedophiles is "sex
before eight, or else
it is too late." Even
whole societies in
Africa, South Asia
and the South Pa-
cific are known to permit
prepubescent sexual ini–
We live in a world
that has lost sight of the
very purpose of children
and the family. Today in
Britain, one in 1O chil-
dren will be sexually abused befare
age 18--one in six in the United
S tates.
God inst ituted the fami ly t<:>
bring up healthy, whole-minded
individuals (Mal. 2: 15), not
frightened children who must bear
lifelong mental scars, or who
become trapped into prostitution,
or who grow up to victimize other
children and perpetuate the cycle
of abuse. God forbids incest (Lev.
18:6-17) and fornication
6:9, 18; 7:2) and every other form
of sex abuse because he knew the
pain and problems that spring
from them.
The problem we face-whether
one refers to child sex abuse or the
arms race- is the
lack of right
The knowledge we desperately
need in this world today is not how
to build a more powerful computer,
but the revealed knowledge from
God himself- knowledge about
how to rear decent children, how to
produce upright young adults to
deal with the problerns accumu–
lated by generations past.
Sex abuse robs children of the
full opportunity to be those happy,
Teach your chUdren their home telephone
number and street address
and how to use the phone in an emergency.