sion). What world leader today
knows the way to true peace, pros–
perity and justice?
And the only leader who could
fulfill his promised hopes a nd
dreams men rejected, and, as it
were, voted against him. Who is
that leader? How did humans vote
against him?
The First Po litical Promises
Thousands of years ago, man was
offered peace, prosperity and jus–
tice. This offer was made by two
very different beings. One of them
was honest and straightforward. He
said there is a way that leads to all
the things humans desired. He
explained that they would have to
overcome and give of themselves to
accomplish it. lt is not the quick
and easy way, but it is the right and
lasting way. He should know- he is
the Creator God, who set all laws,
spiritual or physical, in motion.
The other would-be leader
looked good, and sounded good, but
he was not good. Satan was his
name and making promises was his
game. He too offered a way to
peace, prosperity and justice. His
political platform was based on
acquiring the knowledge of good
and evil, a mixed bag of truth and
This idea looked good, but was
rotten to the core.
the way of getting something for
Let us listen to Satan's political
pitch. First, he directs sorne subtle
mudslinging at his opponent. He
slyly tries to undermine God's
credibility by asking, "Has God
indeed said, 'You shall not eat of
every tree of the garden'?" (Gen.
3:1 ,
Revised Authorized Yersion
throughout, except where noted).
God, he implies, was denying
them their rights. God was unfair
and harsh.
In reality God never denied them
access to any tree. However, God
warned them of the consequences
of creating one's own standards–
determining good and evil for one–
self- and commanded them not to
take of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil (Gen.
Next, Satan slips in bis political
punch line by using the age-old
ploy of prom1smg something for
nothing. Listen as he strings the
Why are the hopes
of the oppressed dashed?
Is there
able to keep
of bis or
her promises?
first human family along: " 'You
will not surely die. For God knows
that in the day you eat of it [the
tree of the knowledge of good and
evil] your eyes will be opened, and
you will be like God, knowing good
and evil' " (Gen.
Satan promised the first humans
everything without their having to
do anything. All they had to do was
to reach out and
This way
looked and sounded like a better
deal compared with God's way of
give and obedience to the Creator.
Whom would they choose to be
their leader? Which prog r am
would they choose to fu lfill hopes
3fd dreams?
Unfortunately, the woman let
her desire of something for nothing
get the best of her. And her poor
husband, the weak fellow, did not
have the fortitude to stand up for
what he knew was right
Adam allowed the vote of bis
wife Eve for Satan to go uncon–
tested (Gen.
Satan, for that and other reasons,
has been in office as world leader
ever since (11 Cor. 4:4), and we
have experienced nothing but vio–
lence, poverty and injustice. Hu–
man leader after leader, promise
after promise- all fail to bring
peace, prosperity and justice.
Champion of the People
Where is the leader who can do
more than just promise? Where is
the leader who can guarantee
peace, prosperity and justice?
Believe me, he exists. The true
champion of the people is about to
emerge. Let me introduce you to
This Leader is uniquely quali–
fied-he was born to rule. When
asked about his destiny to rule, he
said: "'You say rightly that
am a
king. For this cause
born ... '" (John
18:37) .
You may be wondering, how can
he s ucceed where others have
failed? How can he solve this
world's seemingly insolvable prob–
lems? lt 's simple. "'Not by might
nor by power, but by My Spirit,'
says the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 4:6) .
God's Spirit is more powerful than
all the nuclear weapons man could
ever produce in a billion years. He's
got the power to fulfill all his prom–
You may be wondering about bis
motives- what does he want out of
all of this? Nothing but the best for
you and me. His whole purpose in
life is to make us happy. He honest–
ly and straightforwardly tells us his
motives. " 'The thief does not come
except to steal, and to kili, and to
have come that they may
have life, and that they may have it
more abundan
y' " (John
Who is this daring Champion of
the people? I t's Jesus Christ, born
to be Lord of lords and King of
kings! Jesus is the Messiah, the
soon-coming Ruler who will do
more than just promise peace, pros–
perity and justice-he will bring it
all about! Nothing and no one will
be able to stop his program.
Thousands of years ago, the
prophet Isaiah declared: "Of the
increase of His government and
peace there will be no end, upon
the throne of David and over His
kingdom, to order it and establish it
with judgment and justice from
that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will
perform this" (lsa.
9:7) .
The Path to Peace
Will all nations readily accept his
Unfortunately not. The nations
will fight Christ. The rulers of this
world will not accept Christ's lead–
ership because the only path to
peace man knows is war. So Christ
will give them war like they have
never seen before. Truly a war to
end all wars (Rev.
But who are the
rulers of
this world? Who are they that
gather the kings and their nations
to fight Christ? The apostle John
gives the answer: "And
saw three