Earl H. Williams
World leaders make promises to get elected, but
once in office why can't they keep them?
I am in
power, peace will
prevail!" And the
people prayed.
"When 1 arn in office, pros–
perity will rain upon everyone!"
And the people cheered on the
"When 1 am in control, the
scales of equality and justice will
balance for all!"
And the people
He won the
victory- and
later the people cried. So the story
Promises, promises, promises.
Why do most leaders fail to fulfill
their campaign promises?
Why are the hopes of the
oppressed dashed? ls
leader able to
of his or her
Is there a true cham-
pion of the people, a leader who can
guarantee peace, prosperity and
justice? Where is a leader worthy
of our trust? We will introduce you
to this able leader in this article,
but first, let's see why this world's
leaders cannot keep all their prom–
Good lntentions, Bad lnclinations
Privation and oppression dorninate
the lives of most people in this
world. Flesh-and-blood human be–
ings struggle to survive. Daily their
hearts pound, sometimes from fear
of civil or personal violence, sorne–
times from gross injustices.
Pockets of hunger dot the world.
In much of the Third World, those
at the bottom of the social ladder
catch fewer and fewer of the
And what about justice? Well,
justice is often administered by the
golden rule. He who has the gold
makes the rule. However, a sense of
duty swells within the hearts of
sorne men to change things. They
desire to stop the violence and pro–
duce peace, to eradicate poverty
and radiate prosperity, to break the
yoke of injustice and balance the
scales of justice.
Such are the noble intentions of
men, but such are not the noble
actions of human beings.
Sorne men even rise to power
and begin following through on
their intentions, sincerely trying to
change the evils of the human
scene. But the problems of war,
poverty and injustice are problems
of the human spirit, not of policies
or programs. Man has conquered
the edge of outer space, but he has
fai led to conquer the inner space of
his own spirit. So a leader finds it
impossible to keep al! of his prom–
World Ieaders cannot deny the
obvious Iesson of nearly
6,000 years of human
history as stated in
l saiah 59:8, "The
way of peace they
know not" (Au- ..
thorized Ver-