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unclean spmts like frogs coming
out of t he mouth of the drag–
on.... For they are spirits of
demons, performing signs, which
go out to the kings of the earth and
of the whole world, to gather them
to the battle of that great day of
God Almighty" ( Rev.
16:13- 14).
In the end Jesus Christ wins.
Jesus Christ and his administration
are ushered in whi le the incumbent
and his administration (Satan and
his demons) are banished (Rev.
Like in the board game
Monopoly, Satan does not pass on
his influence-he does not collect a
single follower. The only thing he
monopolizes is his miserable self.
Then and only then will humans
know true and lasting peace. Then
international disarmament will not
be just a hope- but a reality. " He
shall judge between the nations, and
shall rebuke many people; they shall
beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they learn war
anymore" (Isa.
What age-old secret will Jesus
Christ use to produce peace on
earth and goodwill among men ?
That path to peace, that way to
harmony, is the way of give. It is
the way the first humans rejected
years ago in the gar–
den of Eden.
J esus Christ and his administra–
tion, composed of human beings
born again as spi rit beings-the
ve r y sons of God - will teach
people how to give rather than get.
People will practice putting the
welfare of their neighbor ahead of
their own. They will learn that "it
is more blessed to give than to
receive" (Acts
Jesus Christ will use a revolu–
t ionary new technique in the pur–
suit of peace- heart transforma–
t ions! For men to follow the give
path to peace, their hearts and
minds must be changed.
Jesus Christ declares: " 1 will
give you a new heart and put a new
spirit within you; I will take the
heart of stone out of your flesh and
give you a heart of flesh" (Ezek.
36:26 ).
The unfailing !ove of God
wi ll then be available to mankind
and for the first time all
the world will begin to live in
,)\~" ~
Wbere is a leader
wortby of our trust? ls
tbere a true
cbampion of tbe people, a
leader wbo can
guarantee peace, prosperity
aod justice?
The Path to Prosperlty
Unshackled from the burdeos of
war, man under God will finally
win the war on poverty. Human
creativity and ingenuity wi ll be
unleashed on problems of hunger
and poverty under the direction of
God's government.
The principie of self first will no
longer be the rule of business. The
cancer of greed that permeates our
economic system will be cured with
the medicine of loving your neigh–
bor as you love yourself. Each per–
son, each family , each nation will
be st riving to see how much it can
give rather than get. The give way
will transform this world from pov–
erty to prosperity.
In the great society under the
rule of the kingdom of God, each
person wíll be able to prosper
because the government of God
will teach people
to prosper.
The approach of teaching people
how to fish instead of simply giving
them a fish will be applied.
Everything from how to make a
living to how to manage that living
will be taught. The biblical princi–
pies of farming and finance when
applied will cause the whole world
to prosper. Since land is a vital key
to prosperity, each family will be
given roots in the land.
Ezekiel prophesied of this pros–
perous t ime: "The desolate land
shall be tilled instead of lying deso–
late in the sigbt of all who pass by.
So tbey will say, 'This land that
was desolate has become like the
garden of Eden; and the wasted,
desolate, and ruined cities are now
fortified and inhabited' " (Ezek.
36:34-35) .
That 's not just a PROM–
ISE- that 's a GUARANTEE.
So with peace and prosperity
well under way, what's next? You
guessed it-justice!
Justlce for All
All men, and women, may not be
created equal, but al! sbould have
an equal opportunity_ Jesus Christ
is the true Champion of justice–
the Deliverer of tbe oppressed!
Is not this his purpose? " To
loase the bonds of wickedness, to
undo the heavy burdeos, to let the
oppressed go free, and that you
break every yoke?" (lsa.
Again, Christ's give way will
bring justice for all. Satan's get
way is the cause of the injustice and
oppression we have today.
Jesus Christ is a Leader who cares
for the people and a Ruler who is
touched by the afflictions and the
hurts of human beings. Jesus has
been there. He, like most of us, was
the victim of injustice: " He was
oppressed and He was afflicted"
(l sa.
Jesus understands.
J esus Christ will administer jus–
tice fairly-he can't be bribed. He
does not care if you are rich or
poor-right is right and wrong is
In God's government there will
be one law for all. " 'One law shall
be for the native-born and for the
stranger who sojou rn s among
you'" (Ex.
In God's government there will
be perfect judgment. Why? you
ask. Because he is able to know the
hearts of men. No thought will be
hidden from him. You can fool
sorne of the people sorne of the
time, but you cannot fool God any
of the time.
Tbere will be nothing to demon–
st rate for or strike for. Everyone
will be happy knowing that equity
and justice fill the earth . Yes, Jesus
Christ will bring justice for all.
Very soon now the desire of the
ages will come. Very soon now
Jesus Christ will be sent to set up
his kingdom. No more broken
promises-no more dashed hopes.
We will have a true Champion of
the people- we will have the prom–
ises of peace, prosperity and justice
Why are we so sure?
" 'I, the Lord, have spoken it,
and 1 will do it,' " we are told