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nation-the family of Israel-so
mankind would not be totally with–
out knowledge of the way they
should live. So they could , if they
wanted to understand, find the
of human problems.
Most humans have rejected such
knowledge. They have failed to
heed the instruction of revealed
knowledge from their Creator.
Many educated don't believe there
are fallen spirit beings influencing
and deceiving all humanity (Rev.
12:9); they don't believe that Satan
is the unseen ruler and god of this
world (II Cor. 4:4).
But the apostle Paul revealed,
contrary to the enlightened educa–
tion of this world, how · Satan
injects his wrong attitudes, desires
and emotions into unwary minds:
"Wherein in time past ye [now
conver ted Christians] walked ac–
cording to the course of this world,
according to the
prince of the
power of the air,
the spirit that now
worketh in
the children of disobe–
d ience."
With what results? " ... [fulfill–
ing] the lusts of our flesh , fulfilling
the desires of the flesh and of the
mind" (Eph . 2:2-3). There are no
inborn limits or controls to what
the human mind can entertain but
that which an individual
chooses to restrain.
Here are the damaging moods,
desires and attitudes produced by
Satan's "get" way in those who yield
to them: "Now the works of the flesh
are manifest . .. Adultery, forn ica–
tion [sexual immorality], unclean–
ness [any physical, moral or sexual
uncleanness], lasciviousness, idola–
try ... hatred .. . strife ... envy–
ings, murders, d runkenness, revel–
lings, and such like ..." (Gal. 5:19-
21) .
Satan and his host inspire atti–
tudes of rebellion, selfishness and
lust in human beings. They can
insinuate wrong thoughts and
desires in minds that are vulnerable
to them, even those of young chil–
dren. But not everyone is equally
vulnerable. How any one person
responds to various thoughts or emo–
tions depends upon his culture, upon
bis upbringing and experiences,
upon bis learning and internalized
values, upon the strength of charac–
ter. In short, the direction of an indi–
vidual's sexual feelings and values
depends upon what thoughts and
emotions are allowed in his mind
and developed from infancy on.
How Sexual Sin Enters
Humans are born with sexual emo–
tional capacity.
wrong and dam–
aging emotional and sexual feelings
take root in human minds, it is
because humans allow and
do not
resist them.
Perhaps they don't
realize they should. Perhaps they
choose not to resist when they
could. Perhaps certain tempera–
mental or emotional weaknesses
may make sorne more vulnerable to
certain sexual temptations than
others. Sorne wrong experiences
leave deep impressions. Other mis-
Critical knowledge beyond
biology and cultural
studies is missing in
modero education about
human sexual and
emotional development.
leading emotions, feelings and
desires, repeated enough, become
deeply learned and conditioned in
the human mind.
"Habits are at first cobwebs,
then cables," goes an old Spanish
proverb. Satan well understands
this deep conditioning in human
minds and emotions. He works to
thwart God's purpose through
Though many deny it , all
humans have been deceived ( Rev.
12:9). AJI become, in one way or
another, the slaves of various
deceptive sins, pleasures and feel–
ings (John 8:34; Heb. 3:13). They
can't shake or escape them all on
their own power.
lt .
takes strong spiritual power
from God, as well as high human
motivation and effort, to break the
damaging cables of wrong thinking
and feeling and then learn tbe right
thinking and emotions revealed in
the law of God.
A person's most important sex
organ is bis or her
a person is properly guided in
youth by proper role models, exam–
ple and teaching, he or she will cqme
to respect and desire to adopf the
correct sexual identity. Each will
develop respect and love of the oppo–
site sex and develop a right hetero–
sexual desire..Each will also prepare
to serve and lave, in a right way,
other human beings of all ages.
But sex education and emotional
feelings are not primarily learned by
formal instruction. Sex education
and emotional feelings about sex
automatically start from infancy
with the way parents and other
influential persons treat others of
their own and the opposite sex, and
how they treat chi ldren. Additional
verbal or formal instruction merely
reinforces learning.
Wrong sexual feelings develop not
only out of a wrong culture but also
out of ignorance. Many parents have
failed to teach their children age–
appropriate knowledge about sex.
Hush-hush about sex in bornes
has reaped a fearsome price. Many
young people are not ·taught any
right a nd wholesome attitudes
about sex. They are taught no right
standards of sexual conduct. They
are not taught that certain sexual
practices are wrong or damaging
and why they are to be avoided.
They may have had improper
examples of what it means to be a
loving, caring male or female. All
this may distort a young person's
view of sex and right relationships
with one's own and the opposite
The seedbeds of unfortunate
emotional or sexual feelings may be
laid in the earliest years of life.
Many young persons do not under–
stand their feelings and emotions
because they lack proper associa–
tion or communication with under–
standing or concerned parents who
could help to evaluate their feel–
ings. Without the proper parental
example of love, concern and guid–
ance, wrong or misguided affec–
tional feelings toward others can
begin to stir sexual feelings and
start a wrong pattern of association
in the mind.
Millions of individuals simply fol–
low peer practices or any exciting
erotic emotion or thought that cross–
es thei r minds. They seem "natural."
But what they may not realize is that
wrong thoughts and feelings (adul-