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terous, homosexual or otherwise
immoral) can be learned not only
from others, but from their own
uncontrolled thoughts- and these
thoughts are not always natural , but
can be injected into their minds un–
knowingly by an evil spiritual
source- by Satan or his demons.
lndividuals may have allowed
themselves to respond to such emo–
tions or pat terns so early in life that
they become a "natural" part of the
way they have always felt. They look
back on their life and conclude they
must have been "born that way."
Misguided Choosing
Humans seek excitement- some–
thing to fill the void, emptiness or
Ioneliness of their lives. What they
need is a sense of worth to them–
selves and others. Whenever wrong
sexual or emotional seeds are
allowed and cultivated in a n
attempt to fulfill these needs, they
wi ll grow- in youth or even after
one is married.
Scriptu re warns us, "Be not
deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
he also reap" (Gal. 6:7).
To sorne, extramarital involve–
ment or homosexual thoughts or
acts (a person may not even realize
what they are) seem a way to find
affection, gain attention, recogni–
tion, security or money. Maybe
they seem a way of proving sexual
prowess o r mascul inity. Maybe
they seem the only option avaílable,
given one's lack of confidence or
misled desires, feelings or fears
about the opposite sex.
One wrong thought, uncon–
trolled or accepted, leads to still
more. Maybe a person doesn't
know he should resist temptation.
Maybe he doesn't care. Minds that
feed on wrong emotional or erotic
thoughts in various fantasies (espe–
cially masturbation fantasies or in
conjunction with specific kinds of
pornography) will eventually have
them ingrained as desires and emo–
Too many cop out and totally
blamc others for their problems
and emotions in life.
One's society or culture may be
partly to blame. Parents may or
may not have set a right example in
their relationships and teaching.
Satan may have tempted . But indi -
J uly / August 1984
viduals also repeatedly
a/low them–
to respond to wrong ways of
living and thinking.
Godly Sexuality
God is very concerned about the
cul tural and family environments
of human beings. Family and envi–
ronment are where the foundations
of human relat ionships and sexual
feelings, values and ideas are estab–
A variety of forces in the world
is t rying to change the concept of
fami ly life and the social learning
environment so that any sexual
experience becomes acceptable.
God's laws and awesome purpose
for human beings still stand. Sin–
the breaking of God's law
3:4)-damages, arrests, limits or
prevents full human maturity and
godly development. l t restricts the
proper development of values, out–
look and goals in life.
Sin, and sexual sin in particular,
distorts wholesome feelings to one's
own and the opposite sex. l t subtly
destroys health and minds.
to destroy respect, appreciation and
ability to successfully experience the
God-ordained family unit. l t under–
mines the proper example and teach–
ing that adults should be giving to
children and future generations.
Wrong sexual ity opens the door
to rapid degeneration and physical
and spiritual disease of the human
body, mind and spirit. The end
resu1 ts are g reater and g reater
social evils.
Only if humans follow God's
revealed laws about right re lat ion–
sh ips to God and between the sexes
can true happiness, fulfillment and
social stability be achieved.
is your destiny? Why are you here? ls
human existence a freak accident in a
meaningless un iverse, or does your life have
a solid, identifiable purpose? T he answer is incredibly
positive: Humans were created-yes,
created- to rule the universe on the
very God-pla ne! lmpossible? Our
free book let reveals t he t ru t h. You
may have a copy by mail ing t he
request card in this issue or by
writing to ou r address nearest
you. A list of our addresses is
on t he inside front cover.