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The Real World of Sexuality
Effeminacy is harmful
because it damages a
male's proper leadership
M any unfortunate human
("butch" or " dyke"). There
were repeated and
a:nd thinking in a family
sexual and emotional
are all degrees between
feelings exist- some too
these appearances and
God commanded the law
The learning and
obscene to describe (Eph .
mannerisms. In modern
of Deuteronomy 22:5 to
conditioning of human
5:12). All these warn us of
cultures, not all homosexuals preven! such distorted
sexual interests and
the great varieties of
are readily discernible from
emotions: " The woman shall
emotional feelings are
heterosexuals by outward
not wear that whi ch
strong. So strong, in fact ,
conditioning that can happen appearances.
pertaineth unto a man,
that a person assigned the
to improperly controlled
There are as many
neither shall a man put on a
wrong sex at birth for sorne
minds and lives.
variances in appearances,
woman's garment: for all that sex organ abnormality and
The majority of males in
shape, personality,
do so are abomination unto
then raised as a person of
most cultures are
temperament, preferences in the Lord thy God."
that assigned sex, readily
heterosexually oriented. But
attractions and professions
The law of Deuteronomy
develops the expected het-
even heterosexuals allow
among homosexuals as
22:5 also is intended to
erosexual interests for that
their minds and sexual
among heterosexuals. The
discourage another human
sex even though his or her
feelings to be diverted by
vast majority of homosexuals distortion: transsexuality.
true genetics and hormone
wrong desires. Sorne
of both sexes clearly identify
Transsexuals (they may
levels are of the opposite
heterosexuals develop a
themselves with their gender, be male or female) feel they
sex. These rare
degree of homosexual
but prefer their own sex
have the mind and emotions
occurrences are sometimes
interest (a degree of
of the opposite sex and are
not discovered until puberty
bisexuality). Heterosexual
Other Unfortunate
trapped in the wrong
changes force the true sex
males with effeminate
physical body. Often such
to appear.
(female) mannerisms also
feelings have been traced
The book
Sexuality and
Transvestites are persons
back to very early childhood
Homosexuality-A New
Feminine heterosexual
who cross-dress on various
upbringing that deprecated
by Arno Karlen, W.W.
females again are the
occasions. Research
or ignored the child's true
Company, lnc.,
majority. But there are also
indicates most of these
sex or caused them to
New York, contains other
persons are males with
experience or value only the
backgrounds and causes of
females. The latter, however, heterosexual inclinations,
feelings and emotions of the
damaging sexuality.
may still be heterosexual and although sorne have
opposite sex.
Sexuallty Not Privat e
maternal in interests.
homosexual interests.
Effeminate mannerisms in
There are many
The majority of
males may be due to rearing
Human sexuality is more
masculine-appearing (even
transvestite males identify
in a totally, or nearly
!han one's gender or a
super-masculine) male
themselves as males but
exclusive female
sexual act. lt is not just a
homosexuals and, at the
have learned to get an erotic environment. Maybe a male
prívate matter as so many
other extreme, effeminate (or or emotional kick out of
wasn't allowed or
want others to believe.
" swish " type) male
wearing items of clothing of
encouraged to identify with a Human sexuality is a total
homosexuals. There are all
the opposite sex, or in
male and male outlook and
way of thinking, acting and
degrees in between. The
passing as a member of the
thinking. The person picked
effeminate type are usually
opposite sex. Sorne can
up certain female ways of
One's sexuality affects
only a small proportion of
function sexually only alter
acting or feeling about
the way one responds to his
male homosexuals but ,
doing so.
or her own and the
because they are more
This distorted emotional
Effeminate mannerisms
opposite sex, to marriage,
noticeable, are often
condition can often be
may also be a way of
to the family experience and
erroneously stereotyped to
traced back to early
to every aspect of lite.
represen! the whole.
repeated cross-dressing by
nonaggressiveness or reveal
That's why sex has so
Female homosexuals
parents, siblings or by the
that the male does not want
much impact on human lives
(lesbians) are often typically
person himself at sorne time.
to be treated or threatened
and culture. lt's the reason
feminine in outward
Such dressing began to
as an ordinary male may be.
why the Creator commands
appearance and manner.
produce exciting emotional
Many of these males still
men and women to develop
Others are very mannish
or sexual responses that
have heterosexual interests.
it rightly.
Mankind was given 6,000 years to
develop societies under Satan's sway
and experience the results. The terri–
ble results are recorded in the Bible,
and, frequently, secular history.
Genesis, the introductory book of
the Bible, alone records the experi-
ence and tragic consequences of
almost every type of wrong human
and sexual act-as a warning to
humanity in all generations. But
much of humanity has refused to
learn. Human being·s today are
merely repeating these ugly experi-
ences of previous generations–
though we like to think of many of
them as new.
August 1984
Through the ages God has called
a few people to walk in his ways.
God gave his laws and inspired the
Bible (II Tim. 3:16) for a special
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