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ing, self-wi lled "get" way ( Rev.
12:4). His angels became demons.
T hese spiri l beings rejected
God's way of love-the "give" way.
The "give" or lave way is lhe way
of diligenl respect and concern for
the position and welfare of others,
as well as concern for. oneself
God's laws define what !ove is.
Lucifer's rebellion caused his
name to be changed to Satan,
meaning "the adversary." Satan
reasoned the "get" way was what
he wanted. [t is the attitude of
being your own authori ty of right
and wrong.
is the way of lust,
doing whatever seems pleasing and
excit ing to you-experime nling
wilh things instead of wanting to go
God's way. Happiness, Satan rea–
soned, is getting a11 you can for
He became a compet itor
with God.
T hen God planned to create,
through free moral agency, God' s
own character in human beings and
bring them into the God
The account of this marvelous pur–
pose for humans begins in Genesis
" Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness," said the C reator
(Gen. 1:26). T hink of it! God is
reproducing himself! Human exis–
tence is merely a physical, chemical
existence. This earth is the training
and testing ground for the produc–
tion of godly character. (This is
explained more thoroughly in our
free booklet
Wh y Were You
Satan resented human sexuality
and the great purpose God had in
creating it. Satan was sex less
(Mark 12:25). He could not repro–
duce, but he could sway human
mind s with hi s att i tudes and
Sex Good to Sex Evil
Whcn God recreated a habitable
earth after Satan's rebellion and
put humans on it, we read, "maJe
and female created he them" (Gen.
1:27). The Creator called all of his
creat ion, including sex in humans,
"good" (verse 31).
God didn't leave this first human
couple ignorant of thei r sexual ity or
its proper use. Though they were
unclothed they were unashamed
(Gen. 2:25).
God became the fi rst great sex
educator! He instructed: "There–
fore shal l a man leave bis father
and his mother, and shall cleave
unto his wife: and they shall be one
fl esh" (Gen. 2:24).
Marriage between a properly
prepared maJe and female is the
God-ordained sexual orientation
and context of sexual relat ions.
God knows the emotional needs
of human beings. He said it was
" not good that the man should be
a lone" (Gen. 2: 18). Understand
this point.
is critica!! God knew
that the human mate needs to give
and receive appreciation, affection
and lave from another human to be
happy and fulfilled , to fill an empt i–
ness in Iife. Tha t is why God
c reated woman.
But God designed the human
female also to need to receive appre–
ciation and give it, to share in affec–
tion and lave for olher humans and
lo be fulfilled. Thal is why God
created the
family- a
relationship. To establish a family
there is the need for sexual attrac–
tion. That is why God created sex–
made humanity maJe and female.
God ordained mari tal !ove and
sex as the proper use of the sex
drive. Sex in the marr iage bond is
for more than human reproduction.
is intended to unite a couple in
love and respect in a way shared
wilh no other, and lo build stable
In his firsl sex instruction, God
laught that marriage is for persons
mature and self-disciplined enough
to leave parents and
establish a separate home. Parents
are to teach appreciation of God's
ways to their children by thcir exam–
ple. That takes understanding of
God's laws and maturity of mind.
Youths need maturc parents to teach
and guide them in their highly
impressionable young years to
understand the way to true success
and happiness. That includes dili–
gently teaching r ight sexual identifi–
cation for males and females and
wholesome sex education based on
God's laws revealed in the Bible.
But in his plan Lo allow humans
the oppor tunity to build character by
free moral choice, God had to allow
Satan to have contact with the fi rst
human couple. He had to see which
way they would choose to go.
Very quickly, Satan injected into
thc fi rst woman's mind the false
idea that God had Iied to them. Eve
was deceived into stealing from
God, and Adam, dropping his God–
ordained leadership ·role, weakly
followed his wife.
The first human couple rebelled
against their Maker and took some–
thing that was not theirs. They had
decided to experiment with knowl–
edge, to take upon themselves the
prerogat ive of determining what is
good and what is evil. Th is was all
symbol ized by the "tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. "
S udden ly their minds had an
added and different attitude. They
were embarrassed to discover they
were naked. They hid from God.
When God asked why they hid ,
Adam replied, " I was a fraid, because
I was naked" (Gen. 3:1 0). The
Hebrew root for the word
used here implies bareness in a bad
or negat ive way.
God answered, "Who told thee
that thou wast naked?" (verse 11).
Only Satan had talked to
them. But he had conveyed to them
the idea that they ought to be
ashamed about the way God had
created them, about their sexuality
and sex differences. Satan is the
originator of t he idea that sex is
intrinsically evi l, dirty and shame–
This is how wrong sexual alti–
tudes and feelings among humans
first began!
Ever since, Satan has worked in
human c ul tures to pervert human
altitudes, emot ions and relation–
ships. He implants in human minds
selfish moods and altitudes so that
human beings think these moods or
feelings are only inborn human
feelings. Sorne human minds, dur–
ing early childhood, have allowed
and accepted wrong moods or feel–
ings of attraction to the same sex.
This process starts so early in sorne
that many homosexuals and les–
bians think these are totally inborn
human feelings.
Devil-decelved Cultures
Adam and Eve were driven from
the Garden of Eden and from con–
tact with God's Spirit. Ever since,
humanity, as a whole, has been cut
off from God's Spir it, which would
have guided them in the right ways
of living and to life itself.