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unrealism." The Greens in West
Germany and their counterparts
el sewhere "have not learned any–
thing from history. They seem not
to realize that through weakness
you always bring war about."
Habsburg, that Europeans do more
for themselves in the way of
defense. That i s a policy long advo–
cated by Bavarian leader Franz
Josef Strauss (a name that pops up
frequently in conversations with
Dr. H absburg).
"Western Europe is superior to the
United States in population, t he
second economic power in the
i s just not logica] that the
Americans should be standing on
guard for Europe at the place
where the Europeans could count
The Second World War was a
prime example of such weakness,
especially on the part of the Bri t i sh
and the French, in the face of Nazi
Germany's preparation for war.
European Self -Defense
Europe's greatest error in its
postwar r el ationship with the
United States, he believes, has been
to Jet the United States carry the
li on 's share of the Western
alliance's defense burden.
A greater European defense pos–
ture, in the mind of Dr. H absburg
at least, doesn't mean a parting of
the ways between Europe and the
United States. " W e are reliable
Realism further dictates, says Dr.
" L et's not forget," he adds,
[interna! disintegration) for a
few years; but if you look at
the signs, the signs are far
from encouraging, especially
with respect to the Albanian
minority. This brings into
play a very little known
country of the European
continent, namely Albania,
the most Stalinist system in
the classical sense of the
word, but at the same time,
a system which has a
strong national background
and a strong lslamic
You have a large number
of Albanians living in
Yugoslavian Kosovo, and
the Yugoslavs have certainly
been very liberal with them.
They have given them a
university, they have given
them a great deal in
education, they have
permitted some Albanians to
travel, !in contras! to) the
country of Albania, under an
iron-fisted dictatorship,
which has not permitted an
elite to rise.
Nevertheless the two
!Aibanian societies) are
tending to be reunited; and
feel that this is the
beginning of the national
disintegration of Yugoslavia,
with all the dangers this may
entail in a country which is
where the two worlds meet
and where the two worlds
have major interests. This
may trigger all sorts of
revolutions; and you know,
when General John Hackett
in his lfictional) story
Third World War
starts that
March 1984
As long as there is a
hope to divide us and to
rule us separately, we
shall be in
danger..•. we must
strive for a political
war in Yugoslavia, he knows
exactly what he is talking
This is one of the most
dangerous spots right now,
because there is no more
leadership in Yugoslavia.
Tito was an exceptional
person; and whether you
agreed with him or not, he
was the only true Yugoslav.
To a certain extent, his
tragedy was that Yugoslavia
was not a monarchy, that
he had no son to continue
in the dynastic tradition.
Now he is gone and all of
his successors after him are
either Croats or Serbs or
Macedonians, but they are
no longer Yugoslav. The
fiction has disappeared.
Danger of Radicalizad
Middle East
lf lraq collapses !in its war
with lran). there will be a
chain reaction all through
the Middle East, because
the Shiites are a
revolutionary element right
now. . . .
The Shiites believe that
the 12th
[successor to
Mohammed) is coming back.
They believe that this
about to approach, that
there will be a united world
directed by the Shiites, that
Khomeini is the prophet of
the approaching Mahdi. And
consequently, we have here
a fanatical reaction,
because you know in Islam
there is a deep difference
between the Shiites and the
Sunnites. The Sunnites are a
very constructive element,
whereas the Shiites are from
time to time extremely
explosive- a sort of Mount
St. Helens in the mountain
range of Islam. And if the
lranians win against the
lraqis, you can't stop it
anymore.. ..
don't say
that the Shia will rule all the
way to Morocco, but there
will be explosions
everywhere and there will be
another unsettling element
entering into the picture.
Regarding Eastern Europe
One third of Europe is today
under foreign colonial
rule... . For us
decolonization should not
(Continued on page 38)
stop in Africa and Asia;
Europe too has a right to
be decolonized. That is our
responsibility towards those
nations !in Eastern Europe)
which are just as much
Europeans as we are [and]
who have been together
with us since European
civilization lbegan).
• We have a responsibility
towards all the nations
The religious
foundation of a society
is the only real and
lasting foundation that
this society may have.
outside of the
Ten.... Those nations [in
Eastern Europe) which were
separated from us by
foreign violence belong to
us and it is our task to see
to it that one day they shall
have an opportunity to
exercise their right of
self-determination. !In the
European Parliament)
the pleasure of presenting a