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resolution that demanded an
annual debate on the state
Europe, at which debate
a symbolic empty chair
should be left in Parliament
as representing those
nations not in the
Community, so asto show
them that the doors (are]
wide open.
The Need for a United
Europe is the one area of
the world today, at least in
the Northern Hemisphere,
where we still insist on living
in the 19th century within
the 20th century. You ¡the
United States] are a great
power at the size of the
20th century. So is the
Soviet Union. So (are] China
(and] Japan.
But we have an
economically overdeveloped
area in a relatively small area
with a large population. Even
in the EC (European
Community]. we have more
population than you have.
Germany will never be
separately reunited as
some of the illusionists
And we have more
population than the Soviet
Union. We are the second
economic power in the
world, but we are politically
weak because we are split
into states which are in size
no longer (viable] in our
As long as we (in Europe]
are in small states, as long
as there is a hope to divide
us and to rule us separately,
we shall be in
danger.... This is the
reason why we must strive
for a political Europe.
• We are trying to build a
Europe at the present time
with 10 nations represented
in the European Parliament,
all of them having a history of
well over a thousand years
of hostilities, of wars with
each other.
We have different
languages. In the European
Parliament. alone we speak in
seven languages, which
creates quite a problem of
simultaneous translations.
We have different religious
communities. And all that has
to be put together; and we
have been at it, all told, from
the beginning of the
European Economic
Community, for about 30
years. That is to say, one
third of the time you needed
to create the United States of
Europe's "Balkanized"
In this century, we have had
two majar wars. ... First in
the Balkans, there was the
Turkish empire. With all its
weaknesses, it was a great
unifying factor. lt was
destroyed. Small national
states arose in its stead,
national states with an
extreme nationalist
reaction.... This was then
called Balkanization.... The
Balkans produced the war ,
because . .. the big
powers . .. were sucked in.
Now the same thing
happened in the Second
World War alter the unity of
the Danube Valley was
destroyed. lt was there that
the Second World War
started with the occupation of
Austria and Czechoslovakia
and the chain reaction which
it produced.
Western Europe today,
when you look at it in the
polar perspective, is exactly
in the same situation as the
Balkans and consequently is
a danger spot because it is a
power vacuum which attracts
the majar powers, which
compels the majar powers to
act-because the major
powers cannot tolerate the
power vacuum.
We are already in a
political Europe.
.. .
well beyond
the point of no
On European Defense
The whole of European
politics in the last 25 years
was really based on one
basic error, and that was
that we believed in the
American shield, and under
this American shield we
overdeveloped our economy
and underdeveloped our
security system. We saw
how brittle this shield is
during the times of the Carter
administration. Now we have
under Reagan a period of
grace in which to repair the
errors of the past.
German Reunification
Germany will never be
separately reunited as sorne
the illusionists believe. lt's
only in the framework of a
general European
reunification, when Poland
and Hungary and
Czechoslovakia come to
Europe, that of course
Germany will be
reunited-but not befare. A
separate German
reunification in my opinion is
unfeasible, politically
unfeasible. . .. Look at East
Germany from the
perspective of the Kremlin.
That is to say, look from
East to West , and not as we
always do from West to
East. East Germany is the
finishing stone of the whole
structure which was built in
Yalta. lf you take the finishing
stone out, the structure
collapses. So the Soviet
Union will never give in on
that issue unless it [the entire
European dilemma] has been
solved already.
lmportance of Religion to
Europe's Future
Back of all the events of
politics is still a moral and
mental attitude. The religious
foundation of a society is the
only real and lasting
foundation that this society
may have....
And so the last answer to
the future of your country [the
United States], as also to the
future of my continent of
Europe, will be whether we
are able to return truly and
fully again to the roots of our
greatness. Because let us
not forget, if we take
Christianity out of the
European or [out] of the
American development, there
is nothing left. The soul is
gone. And without the soul ,
the economically and
politically most-potent body
is condemned to die.
lnevitability of a United
We are already in a political
Europe, much more than we
realize. You see,- we are well
beyond the point of no return
where you can still go back
into the past. Of course, we
have not yet arrived at the
other shore; but we can' t go
back. o