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food exporter. Now, the Soviet Union
is the number one food importer.
The economic plight of the Soviet
Union and its East European satel–
lite neighbors is so great, stresses Dr.
Habsburg, that Comecon (the
Soviet-led economic combine) now
owes the democratic industrialized
nations US$82,000,000,000- a
sum, he says, "which can never be
repaid in human history."
Slavic races inside the Soviet
Union, especially the Moslem
Turkic people. Ethnic Russians
already comp.rise less than half of
the total population. In the year
2000, it is estimated that there will
be 120 million Moslems inside the
Soviet Union-people perhaps ripe
to the infl.uence of radical Moslem
ideas from Iran and elsewhere.
decide to press Russia's military
advantage in a drive to capture
Western resources before problems
become intolerable at home.
" Absolute Realism" Emphasized
Peace in Europe and the world can
tberefore be preserved, Dr. Habs–
burg maintains, "only by absolute
realism" regarding the Soviet chal–
The Soviets, he adds, also face an
unprecedented internal threat from
the rapid population growth of non-
The danger to Western Europe
from the deteriorating conditions to
the east, believes Dr. Habsburg, is
that sorne future Soviet leader may
In this light, the philosophy
behind the so-called peace move–
ment, he says, is based on "utter
Dr. Habsburg SpeaksOut
ere are key excerpts
from remarks by Dr.
Otto von Habsburg
presented before
Plain Truth
editors in the United States
and Europe. These excerpts
cover a wide range of
topics-with a specitic
focus on the process of
European unitication.
On Disarmament
The problem !we tace today
isl how we can preserve
peace and security and
freedom in our time.
Because peace without
freedom isn 't worth
anything. ... Peace through
weakness has never been
achieved, never in the whole
of human history.
• No one has ever
achieved peace through
disarmament because those
who know history know
perfectly well that armament
is not the cause of evil but
the consequence of evil.
Armament is like the fever
to the disease.
debated on that subject
in Germany with one of the
great spokesmen of this
peace movement. He was
totally irrational in his
argumentation because he
couldn't adduce a single
historical proof for what he
was saying.. .. Peace has
only been preserved when
the peaceful were strong
enough so as not to be
attacked by the aggressors.
Media Exaggerations
These peace movements
are grossly exaggerated by
many of our mass
Peace through
weakness has never
been achieved, never in
the whole of human
media . .. . Television ... is
compelled to amuse and
fascínate us for 19 to 24
hours a day. And as you
well know, what is normal is
neither amusing nor
fascinating. A student who
studies, a worker who
works, a clergyman who
believes in God is not
television-worthy because
he does exactly what he's
expected to do. But it is
when they do the
contrary of what they are
expected, then they
become interesting.
This also applies to a
political movement. You
see, a political movement
which behaves within the
general framework of
democratic institutions is not
exciting. lt is not creating
news. lt is only when they
start to challenge this
democratic acceptance, to
do something
:;: extraordinary-like, for
instance, the Greens in
Germany- then they
become interesting. And
consequently television is
going to go and show them
much bigger than they are.
Moscow's Interna! Moslem
The Russians are not even
50 percent of the total
population of the Soviet
Union at the time when they
still retain 95 percent of all
leading positions in the
economy, in the civil service
and in politics. That's a
situation that cannot be
maintained . . . .
In 1978 . . . more than
hall of all the children born
in the Soviet Union were
children of lslamic parents.
And that at a time when the
lslamic part of the
population was just slightly
over one tifth of the total
population of the Soviet
And if you now calculate
until the year 2000, it is
incredible what a dynamic
change in the population
structure will take
place.. . . In the year 2000
there will be 120 million
Moslems in the Soviet
Union. And this will create a
total change in all the
elements in Soviet
Danger of a Disintegrating
There is a further situation
which will entail sorne risk
for us-because it doesn' t
involve the Soviet Union
directly, but only
indirectly-and that is what
may happen in Yugoslavia.
Since the death of Tito, the
governmental structures
have been able to resist
Europe too has a right
to be decolonized. That
is our responsibility
towards thosenations
which are just as much
Europeans as we are.