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hatred, competition, strife, revenge
and conspiracy for perpetrating
evil. Animal brain is capable of
none of these.
is only by revealed knowledge
that this tremendous difference can
be known. And the written Word
of God reveals it as the presence of
human spirit within man tbat
sparks, constrains and empowers
the physical brain in humans with
intellect. There is no such spirit
within any other forro of physical
But scientists, bound and held
captive by the false concept of evo–
lution, cannot admit the existence
of any such spirit. Their minds are
bl inded.
But understand. The human
spirit cannot see, hear, taste, smell
or feel-yet all human knowledge
enters the brain through one of
those five channels. The human
spirit cannot think.
is the brain
that thinks, as the human spirit
empowers it.
is tbe brain that
makes decisions, formulates atti–
tudes, develops character, either
good or evil.
Now WHY did the Creator God
put human spirit within MAN, while
no such spirit is present in animals?
The very PURPOSE being worked
out here below is God 's supreme
THROUGH MAN. Man was created
from the ground of tbe earth, yet to
have a relationship with his Maker.
God is composed of Spirit.
is the
divine PURPOSE that man, once
godly character is developed within
him, shall be changed from mortal
and physical human to immortal
and divine Goo.
As explained in the beginning,
God and the Word now forro the
Goo FAMILY. Man may be begot–
ten, and then later born as divine
is the incredible human
potential that each human may
become a child of God, one of the
very Goo FAMILY!
Families, Kinds and Varieties
The first law of science is the fact
that only life can beget life. Life
cannot come from tbe not-living.
LIFE could not have gradually come
into existence from nothing. God
could not have gradually come into
existence. God and the Word
ALWAYS have coexisted- without
father, without mother, having nei–
ther beginning of days nor end of
life-but living from eternity
through eternity.
Out of matter God created the
fauna and the flora- animal and
vegetable life. We might classify all
existence in kingdoms. The mineral
kingdom, the plant kingdom, ani–
mal kingdom, human kingdom,
angel kingdom and the Goo KING–
DOM. Man was created in the
human kingdom, and potentially
may be born into the Goo KING–
DOM. But religionists who boast of
being already "born-again Chris–
tians" are sadly deceived.
The ultimate creation of man–
to become Goo-necessitated the
development of godly CHARACTER
within him.
So at this point notice the sys–
tem of duality in this ultimate
Goo creation . Physically, man
was made complete in two stages;
first male, then the addition of
female. Spiritually and mentally
he was to be made complete in
two stages; first a human mind
empowered by a human spirit.
Even as God had supreme MINO,
man was made with human mind.
But in mind and spirit man was
not yet complete.
To complete bis physical cre–
ation, once the female was added to
the maJe, they became ONE as a
human family. So, in the spiritual
creation, the addition of the HOLY
SPIRIT of God must be added to the
human spirit. This
the man
spiritually AT ONE with God. But
even at this stage the principie of
duality is still in force. Once the
1-!oly Spirit is joined with bis
human spirit his
mind is
complete, but he is still a human,
now begotten as a God person. He
is only an HEIR of God, not an
INHERITOR of the God kingdom.
He is only begotten, not yet born as
God. The duality principie contin–
Human Birth a TYPE
Human birth is tbe precise type of
Goo birth. In the woman is an
egg cell called an ovum. It pos–
sesses potential life. Yet unless
fertilized by the human sperm cell
from the body of the father, it has
a life span of less than 28 days.
The maJe sperm cell on entering it
endows it with the start of human
Iife. But to call it already a BORN
human compares to the deceived
calling themselves "born-agai n
On conception the ovum is
called an embryo.
must g row
physically, fed through the moth–
er. By four months, when taking
on human form, it is called a
fetus . It continues through a peri–
od of gestation for nine months
from conception to parturition,
when it is born.
The first human, Adam, was
created, as we might say by analo–
gy, a spiritual ovum. He had only a
temporary physicochemical exis–
tence. If "fertilized" by the mate
divine sperm of God (bis Holy
Spirit- actually God-LIFE), he
would have been begotten, but not
yet born as God.
But Goo is supreme perfect spir–
itual CHARACTER. Befare Adam
could even qualify to be begotten
into the Goo family, he had to
CHOOSE between the
AY of God
and the wA
of Satan who still sat
on the throne of the earth.
The Two Symbo lic Trees
God placed Adam and Eve after
creation in the beautiful garden of
Eden. In its midst were two spe–
cial symbolic trees of tremendous
significance. Adam did not have
immortal God-life, but God freely
offered it to him through the tree
of LIFE. Adam had to choose
between the government of Satan
with its self-centered way of life,
and the government of Goo with
its Goo-centered way of life. Each
way of life was the basic LAw of a
GOVERNMENT. God could have
RESTORED the government of God
on earth through Adam, had he
cbosen that WA
On creation, late on the sixth day
we call Friday, God briefed Adam
and Eve on the situation. He con–
tinued through the Sabbath eve and
on that first Sabbath. He explained
that the way of SELF-centeredness,
symbolized by the tree of "the
knowledge of good and evil," would
reject God's gift of LIFE (immor–
tal), and on taking the forbidden
fruit they would surely DIE.
After that Sabbath, when Adam
neglected looking after bis wife,