Eve s tole out alone away from her
husband. She encountered Satan in
the form of a serpent. The human
family was a direct threat to
Satan's continued rule o n earth's
Notice, however (Gen. 3),
Satan did not say to Eve, "Choosc
MY government and my law of
vanity and self-centeredness, and
reject God." He merely tempted
her with the BEAUTY of the for–
bidden tree, appealed to her intel–
lectua l va nity, suggested God
wasn't fair, and let her succumb
to his deception, assuring her she
was al read y an IMMORTAL SOUL.
She was deceived into believing
Satan, disbelieving God and into
TAKJNG of the forbidde n fruit.
She gave also to her husband, and
Adam willingly disobeyed God.
Adam took TO HIMSELF thc knowl–
edge-that is, the production of
knowledge-of what is good and
what is evi l.
T hus the first created human
disbelieved God, disobeyed God,
ehose to go HJS owN wAY, do his
own thing. Adam did it wíllingly,
but not apparently willfully.
Willingly, Adam was led into
captivity by Satan. He had willing–
ly gone along with Satan, the arc h–
kidnapper of all time.
A Wo rld Held Captive
Adam had been created with the
potential to be born a son of Goo.
Even tho ugh not as yet even a
begotten son of the Goo FAMJLY,
he had been created as potentiall y
just that. Once he succumbed to
Satan's WAY of choosíng to "do bis
own thing," in rebellion agaínst a
deliberate command of God, he
became spiritually the property of
Satan. He actually had succumbed
to the GOVERNMENT of $atan,
choosing the LAw of that govern–
ment, leading automatically ínto
atti tudes of self-glory, coveting,
compet ítion, des ire to GET rather
than God's way of GIVE.
All humanity carne out of Adam
and Evc. The present world was
FOUNDED in them. Tbe WORLD has
ever s ince been HELD CAPTJVE! The
world had thus chosen THE WAY of
the kidnapper, rather than of thc
potential Parent!
But God the Father was to pay
the ransom price a nd even yet bring
February 1984
his potential spiritual c hildren back
to him.
At t he Foundation of the Wo rld
Upon Adam's sin, God closed off
the tree of life, until the second
Adam, Jesus Christ , should pay the
ra nsom price.
There cannot be a law without a
penalty. The penalty of human sin
is DEATH. At this very foundation
of the world, it was determined that
J esus Christ, as the "Lamb of
God," should be s lain in payment
of the penalty fo r all human sin,
effective upon repentance and faith
(Rev. 13:8).
was also determined
by God at that time that all Adam's
children should die (Heb.
but as in Adam all must die, so in
Christ the same ALL shall be made
alive by a resurrection from the
dead to be j udged
But sti ll , none could ever be born
of God until God's holy and perfect
spi r itual character had been in–
sti lled within, by individual choice
and proof by performance.
God set apar t a 7,000-year peri–
od to complete his original
SUPREME PURPOSE of reproducing
himself through man.
was a mas–
terminded MASTER PLAN for work–
ing out the PURPOSE here below.
For almost 6,000 years a civiliza–
tion has developed, which we call
the world. But it has been a world
held captive. To t his day Satan is
still on that throne.
Meanwhile Satan has worked IN
all humans. He has injected into
the world enormous EV ILS. Jesus
the second Adam carne to start an
entire new WORLD OF Goo through
the Church .
(To be continue.d)
is your destiny? Why are you here? Is
human existence a freak accident in a
neaningless un iverse, or does your life have
a solid, identifiable purpose? The answer is incredibly
positive: Humans were created- yes,
created- to ru le the universe on the
very God-plane! Impossible? Our
free booklet rcveals the truth. You
may have a copy by mail ing the
request card in this issue or by
writing to our address nearest
you. A list of our addresses is
on the inside front cover.