World Held Captive
(Continued from page
decay, ruin and darkness to the
physical earth.
Man ls Created
ln Psalm 104:30 it is revealed that
God sent forth his Spirit, and
RENEWED the face of the earth for
In Genesis 1:1 God (Hebrew:
Elohim- "Gods,"
ing God and the Word) is
revealed as the Creator of
the universe, including the
earth. The earth was–
BECAME (resulting from
angelic sin)-tohu and
H ebrew words
meaning "chaotic and in
physical confusion, waste
and empty."
Under Satan, darkness
replaced light. Later the
Word spoke, "Let there be
light," and physical light
appeared on earth, divid–
ing day from the darkness
of night. I n six 24-hour
days God renewed the face
of the earth for roen, creat–
ing plant, fowl, fish and
mammalian life. On the
sixth day, God said, "Let
us [God is speaking to the
Word) make man in our
image, after our likeness"
(Gen. 1:26). The Eterna!
(who became Jesus Christ
sorne 4,000 years later)
formed man of the dust of
the very root of the world in which
you live today. T his is where it all
started. This is the point in time
where today's world was started on
a course stíll continuing in our
time. All that had gone before–
the existence of the God family
from eternity- the creation of
angels-the creation of matter and
the material universe, the presence
of angels on the earth, the THRONE
and GOVERNMENT pJaced On
and the Word-created MAN in
God's own image, form and shape.
T he word
is used in
Hebrews chapter one to designate
spírítuaJ CHARACTER.
God created the
man in
dual stages. First, he created one
man- a maJe human. It was in
God's supreme PURPOSE that the
man reproduce his kind. But the
man was unable to do that- UNTIL
God completed the human creation
physically by the addition
of a woman, made from
the man. So God anesthe–
tized the man and ex–
tracted a rib out of which
he made the woman,
named Eve. Then MAN's
physical creation was
complete. Man could now
reproduce his kind.
But MAN was not yet
spiritually and mentally
Human Mind vs . Anima l
Man could not be made
into the spiritual and
character image of God
without the power of
MIND-thinking, reason–
ing, decision-making in–
the ground (Gen. 2:7), and
upon breath of life en–
tering, man became a liv–
ing (not immortal) soul.
This MAN was given
temporary physical exis–
tence, like animals. But
man differed from ani-
For almost 6,000 years civilizations
have been developed, wbich
collectively we call " the world." But
it has been a world held captive.
The modern science of
brain research has dem–
onstrated that the small
differences in human
brain and animal brain
cannot expÍain the vastly
superior functions and
output of the human
brain. The human brain
can acquire knowledge of
chemistry, geology, as–
t ronomy, physics- one
might say all the vast
intr icacies of knowledge
mals, being in the form
and shape of God. Also, as many
scriptures reveal, man differed also
in possessing MINO, although ani–
mals have brain precisely like human
MAN was created to have a per–
sonal relationship with God- to be
begotten as children of God, finally
born into the Goo FAMILY.
Grand Purpose f o r Humanity
Precisely at this point we come to
February 1984
earth-the SIN of Lucifer and
earth's angels, the replacing of the
Satan over the earth- all tbís was
the backdrop to the creation of MAN
on the earth.
What, then, was the divine PUR–
POSE for the creation of MAN on the
T he very first chapter in al! the
Bible reveals ít, íf we have the wit
to comprehend. God- that ís, God
contained in a many-vol–
umed encyclopedia. Man
can think-he can put many parts
of such knowledge together in a
thinking and reasoning process.
Man has decision-making ability.
Man has the faculty to use judg–
ment and wisdom. Man has an
appreciation of music, art and liter–
ature. Man formulates attitudes of
!ove, cooperation, sympathy, con–
cero for the good and welfare of
others, or, on the other hand, atti–
tudes of envy, jealousy, disgust,
4 1