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Parents/Teache rs
their crops by airplane at a
comprehend the social and
Gene ra l Comme nts
1 am a teacher of remedia!
feverish rate. The worm
spiritual causes that damage
reading and math.
infestation is so great in the
human sexual emotions. and
am a regular reader of
1 truly enjoyed your article:
counties around Nashville that
which may lead to
The Plain Truth.
It is so hard
"What Teachers Wish Parents
many farmers have given up
homosexuality. An article
to believe that such a
Knew" and 1 am seeking
all hope of saving their crops.
from a past
Plain Truth
significan! magazine is being
permission from you to give a
lt is this combination of
entitled "ls lt True Sorne Are
posted to me monthly without
few copies of this article to
unprecedented heat, plant
Born That Way?" explains
any charge or obligation. 1
parents who scem
disease, and insect infestation
these little understood causes
know it is the work of God,
overwhelmed by the task of
that is turning a would-be
and is available
free of
but in this time of economic
disaster into a foreseeable
Deeply ingrained
crisis, it is really hard to
Susan Groves
harmful sexual emotions are
Sequim Middle School
Tommy M. Garrard
indeed difficult to change.
R. Thomas
Sequim, Washington
Savannah, Tennessee
But with true repentance and
St . Andrew's
Permission given.
God's help they can be
Grenada, W.l.
Concerning your article
l've seen only parts of your
1 just read your article
"AJOS-Is There a Cure?" in
Your article on "AJOS" in
program and your hard-nosed
entitled "What Teachers Wish
your issue of September 1983
the September 1983 issue was
approach is a welcome shaking
Parents Knew About School."
by Donald D. Schroeder.
very informative.
up to my Christian walk.
There are sorne things that 1
While it is most welcome
Sodom and Gomorrah are
Wendy Rivers
wish they knew about my
that more information on this
said to have been prosperous
Sudbury, Ontario
child. 1 wish they knew that
terrible disease "AJOS" is
cities before they met their
Correspondence Course
he críes every day because he
being published, I am
tragic end. Does one know
can't keep up with the other
surprised that a magazine like
how many inhabitants dwelled
l would like to enroll in
kids . 1 wish they knew that
The Plain Truth
shows so
in these cities then?
your Bible Correspondence
yelling at him will not help
little comprehension with
Daniel S. Gaceru
Course. The more l read your
him to keep up. 1 wish they
regard to homosexuality.
University of Nairobi,
magazines in offices, the more
knew that his classmates'
How can people start a
l realize how much 1 don't
attitude toward him is
"wholesome, faithful, marital
Archaeology does not
know about the Bible.
is so
pattcrned after the teachers'. 1 and sexual relationship" as
provide an answer.
easy lo be led astray when you
wish they knew that he's not
Mr . Schroeder puts it in the
are unaware of the truth.
daydreaming, but worrying
if they are born
just pray that by learning
that they may ask him to do
For as much as
In reference to
more about the Bible, my life
something he's not capable of
they try to lead a normal
"Smoking- It's More Than
will start to fall into a more
doing. 1 wish they knew that
married life, it is bound to fail
Just a Habit," 1 am puzzled
tranquil, purposeful existence.
he did not choose to be "slow" because nature cannot be
that no mention is made of
Life can be so full of turmoil
or "learning disabled." 1 wish
deceived on the long
the fact that the U.S. Dept. of when the adversary has a foot
they knew that "streamlining"
Agriculture pays out millions
in the door and 1 didn't realize
is not the answer to his
And neither is tbere any
of dollars to keep tobacco
all along that a little
problems. 1 wish they knew
treatment to convert a horno-
farmers producing the
knowledge can change this.
how hard he tries to learn.
into a heterosexual which
admitted "serious health
Tbank you for your
Most of all, 1 wish they
means that many of them have menace" to stabilize the well
to live in constant fear of
being of the industry. Was
Mrs. J.T. Few
being discovered and
this an oversight?
Dartmoutb, Nova Scotia
Greenville, Mississippi
jeopardized in all aspects.
R.R. Smissairt
Changed Thinking
According to my experience
Skokie, lllinois
Weather as it Was
there is a large number of
•lt was not an oversight. In
1 want to thank you for the
Crops that survived the heat homosexuals who would give
this article we focused on the
booklets 1 received from you.
in the U.S. Midwest have
anything to be able to enjoy a
growing government view that
1 enjoy reading them and
bcen hit with mold. According normal marital and sexual
smoking for many is a form
share them with a friend here
to one farmer, this disease is
relationship which due to their
of drug addiction-to nicotine
in the institution. My life and
as deadly to cattle as
being born different they are
not other tobacco
way of thinking has changed
starvation. In Kentucky the
substances. We
started listening to Mr.
tobacco crop has been hit with
Erika Mueller
wholeheartedly agree that the
Armstrong on radio and
blue mold. In Tennessee, we
paradox of governmental
television. 1 am learning a lot
have the largest worm
The startling fact is.
views and policies posed by
now, but feel sorry in a way
infestation in the last forty
homosexuals are not born
our letter writer deserves
because 1 am not learning this
years . Farmers are spraying
that way. Many have failed to emphasis and reflection.
outside but in prison.