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(Continued from page 17)
human reproductive system to
function in the confines of !ove and
marriage. Husbands and wives pro–
duce, through sexual contact, min–
iature reproductions of them–
selves- new life.
One of life's truly great experi–
ences is the birth of a child. But
this, again, was designed by God to
be part of the marríage uníon–
never to be experienced outside of
But there is even a greater and
far-reaching purpose for human
sexuality. Sex can be the embodi–
ment of al! three of the Greek
words for
!ove-eros, philia
Sex has been designed by God to
(Cont inued from page
principies that this coming govero–
ment res ts on. You need to under–
stand why this world can't fínd
them for itself, and suffers the ter–
rible pain of unbappiness,. poverty
and war as a consequence.
This article only touches the tip
of the profound , yet simple truths
revealed in your Bible. Unlike
many in this world, you
(Continued from page 4)
Austria had been occupied by the
Soviets and their World War 11
Westero allies, much as Germany
The example of a neutral Austria
thus provides a model of what Mos–
cow might desire aJI of Europe to
be-neutralized, and fre.e of Amer–
ican influence and, above all, weap–
Note this as well: In such a new
alignment, Austria-with its pres–
tigious capital of Vienna-would
provide, as the Pope reportedly told
Cardinal Koeníg, a logical "bridge
bet.ween East and Wes
Furthermore, down the road,
Vienna just might become the
headquarters cíty of the Uníted
Natíons. Already, its huge new
"U.N. City," just across the Dan–
ube River from the center of Vien-
January 1984
be the guiding force in preserving
and perpetuating !ove between a
husband and wife.
The modero argument that pre–
marital sexual experimentation can
lead to greater joys in marital sex is
one of the greatest líes ever perpe–
trated by Satan the devil.
Such experimentation before
marriage or in extramarital affairs
can only destroy the purity of what
God designed.
The honeymoon is not meant to
be a time for experíenced sexual
professionals to practice. The hon–
eymoon should be that joyful, tim–
id, beautiful, shy, exciting period of
time when two people who have
begun to !ove one another begin
thei r new life together-and should
be their first joyful expression of
sexual intimacy.
you are willing, understand
and the
that often
seems so elusive.
you're truly interested in the
purpose of human life and why
humanity is in ·such incredible
confusion, we invite you to write
for two free publications.
W e have available, free of
charge to you , the full - length
The lné redible Human
Also available for the
asking is the book
The Wonderful
na, is vyíng with Geneva for the
role of the U.N.'s European head–
Statements by high U .S. officials
that the United States might be
happy to see the U .N. depart New
York City, coupled with Senate
cutbacks in appropríations for the
world body, strengthen the likeli–
hood of a U.N. relocation in the
New-Yet Old-Europe
What is transpiring on both sides of
the Iron Curtain today are the first
steps in the refashioning of West–
ero, Central and part of Eastero
Europe into a new, yet ancient,
alignment- what one expert calls
"Classic Europe."
Religion, given added strength
by East-West church unity, will
provide this combine its primary
unifying element.
In the second chapter of the
Sexual experience should be
together- after
the mar–
riage ceremony. Why should any–
one go out and learn it · al! in
advance with a whole army of other
people? Why create the possibility
for sexual comparisons and vivid
memories of unpleasant experi–
The honeymoon should be the
beginning of a new life together
when a totally inexperienced couple
to learn from experience
through the human sexual relation–
ship. In each other's arms, they will
then spend the rest of thei r líves
growing in
philia, eros
and most of
One of life's greatest accom–
plishments is getting !ove, man:iage
and sex in the right order wíth tbe
right person at the right time. o
World Tomorrow- What lt Will
B e
is also free of
These books, written by Editor
in Chief Herbert W. Armstrong,
provide the revealed truth that
humanity desperately needs. You
can know how
can avoid the
brief Orwellian dark age that
humanity is destined to bring upon
itself, given its present trend.
God help you to under–
stand! o
book of Daniel, this "Classic
Europe" and its predecessors are
pictured as a giant human figure,
having feet "part of iron and part of
clay" (Dan. 2:33). The figure's
toes-obviously 10--correspond to
the 1
national units also described
in Revelation 17.
The original Roman Empire was
broken into two "legs"-the Bast–
ero Empire in Byzantium (Con–
stantinople, today Istanbul) and the
Empire in the West in Roroe.
Thus it is very possible that this
end-time system wíll be composed
of two distinct yet cooperatíve
parts: the first "leg" comprising
nations of Westero Europe, the sec–
ond incorporatíng nations freed
from Soviet dominance in Central
and Eastero Europe.
The Plain Truth
will continue to
keep its readers abreast of critically
ímportant events and trends shap–
ing up in Europe. o