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1 would like to ask for sorne
more booklets.
for a lot, but
think l've
found the truth and don't
want to miss anything.
Gary Z .
St. Vincent-de-Pont, Quebec
Time Running Out
Your article "Time Is
Running Out!" was very
agree with you
on the part about weapons and
little children. lt's true that
most kids play with toy guns,
tanks and so on, but if we
know that this is a bad
influence then why do we buy
these violent toys?
am 13
years old and
know a little
about Satan and what he is
doing to the world, but
would like very much if you
could send me sorne articles
like this one. l'm also
interested in the booklet
Plain Truth About Christmas.
was wondering if you got
many letters from kids my
would appreciate it if
you would send a reply to me
or print something in the next
Sonia Stevenson
Levittown, Pennsyhania
Ukraine Famine
Ukrainian community of
Tucson, Arizona, wishes to
express their appreciation for
your article in
The Plain
October 1983, in which
you so clearly stated the truth
about the most tragic and
inhuman man-made famine in
the annals of history-the
Ukraine famine in 1932 and
Ukrainian American Society
Alexander Bunka
Public Relations Director
British E1ec t ion
Your article "Why Britain
Wants Strong Leadership"
showed a remarkable lack of
understanding of the British
electoral system. Mrs.
Thatcher was returned to
office with such a large
majority because of the
emergence of a new political
party, the SDP, which split
the Opposition vote and
allowed the Conservatives to
take seats on a minority vote.
Your article did not mention
this new political party, nor
did it mention that the
Conservatives won their
landslide with far fewer
individuals' votes than in
feel that your readers
ought to be made aware of
these facts. The British people
have not suddenly lurched en
masse to the "right;" the large
majority for the Conservatives
is simply an anomaly of the
electoral system and is further
proof of man's inability to
devise a fair and just order of
Jobo S.P. Burgess
United Kingdom
Pope's Vi sit to Poland
is with great pleasure
that 1 am writing to
congratulate you for the great
job you are doing in spreading
the word of God.
particularly pleased witb the
October 1983 issue featuring
an article on Pope John Paul
This is of significance
coming from a non-Catholic
religious man like yourself. In
the literature and articles
written by non-Catholics , it is
disturbing to find at times
unpleasant commentaries from
them toward the Catholics or
Catholic clergy, including the
am a practicing
Catholic and as far as
remember at no time have
heard any priest saying or
making comments against the
Protestant faith....
is for thjs particular
reason that 1 would like to
express my thanks and
admiration for this effort on
your part. The article of Mr.
Hogberg was very good in
both dealing with the political
and religious significance of
the Pope's visit to Poland.
1 have read many of the
booklets published by The
Worldwide Church of God
and found them quite
interesting with exception of
the one on Revelation which
took a radical view on the
I wish one more time to
express my gratitude for the
fresh approach that you have
injected in Christian unity.
God bless you.
Carlos M. Cbavez, M.D.,
Brownsville, Texas
Learned Habits
Congratulations on the
article " A Much Overlooked
Way to Assure Peace." Your
analysis , that emotions are
learned habits, capable of
change through practice, is
certainly substantiated by a
great deal of well-designed
psychological research.
T.L. Brink, Pb.D.
College of Notre Dame
San Carlos, California
Mark of a Great Mlnd
would likc to express my
sincere appreciation for the
article in the October issue
entitled, "The Mark of a
Great Mind."
Our society has created an
image of what a great mind
is- an image composed
generally of years of study,
academic honors and
impressive "intelligence
quotient" scores. Young
people who successfully attain
this image win high praise,
make their families and
friends immensely proud, and
usually receive attractive
financia! rewards from an
economic system which thrives
on their unique abilities.
Understandably, by the time
these young people step up to
receive life's prizes, most are
thoroughly convinced that all
they are given is richly
deserved-by virtue of their
demonstrably "great" minds.
speak on this issue from
personal experience. What
as a
summa cum laude
graduate, and all like me most
urgently need, however, is for
someone to point out that the
image of intellectual greatness
we have fulfilled simply isn't
accurate. The key contribution
of Mr. Schroeder's article for
me then is two-fold: it lists
nine attainments of the mind
that are infinitely more
important than learning or
academic honors to one who
wishes to be a successful
and in its description
of these attainments it
reminds that on these most
important "tests"
achieve at
a rather unenviable leve!. So 1
thank Mr. Schroeder for his
demonstration of wisdom- the
most precious of all
attainments of the mind-and
1 urge the readers to consider
the characteristics of a trul y
great mind when encouraging
their children or choosing
their objects of admiration.
Jeffrey A. Lowery
Cambridge, Massachusetts
" Personal " Photograph
The new up-to-date picture
of Mr. Armstrong appearing
on the "Personal From" page
is lovely. Makes one feel he is
speaking directly to us, with
much sympathetic
understanding and concern.
Marcena Briggs
Des Plaines, lllinois
am a 14-year-old going to
Valley Forge Military
Academy. Your magazine has
helped guide me through sorne
hard times, especially your
article on suicide. Your
magazine helped me to
understand what people are
thinkjng about suicide. 1t is a
major concern, in the teenage
Tony Maas
Wayne, Pennsylvania
have read "Australia The
Beautiful ... Australia The
Condemned!" in the
July-.August issue. David K.
Noller wrote an incisive and
poetic article.
visited Australia in
1961 , as a young chemical
met with the
Archbishop of Australia of the
Roman Catholic Church in
Canberra, and 1 told him that
1 believe in the Second
Coming of the Messiah.
Thus, as a result of my visit
there, 1 was doubly interested
to read Mr. Noller's article,
and 1 was astounded and
reassured by his concluding
paragraph: "Jesus Christ, the
Messiah, and he alone will
save the Australian people and
their kindred worldwide from
total annihilation (Hos. 13:9).
He will return to earth as
King of kings and establish
God's government over all
nations. Only then will
Australia truly recover. Out of
the ruins Australia' s fui!
potential will at last be
Greenwicb, Connecticut