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Yes, ·there is extraterrestrial
life- spirit life- including hosts
of created angel ic beings in t he
universe. And from the eyewitness
accounts of Jsaiah , Ezekicl, John
and the others, we can know what
that extraterrestrial Ji fe is like.
First, the Throne of God
Late in the first century A.D., the
apost le John was a Roman prisoner
on the Aegean isle of Patmos. In
vision, the apostle saw the throne of
God and the beauty of its surround–
A vivid description is found in
the fourth c hapter of Revelation.
Here, J ohn describes the glory and
majesty of extraterrestrial life. He
does not picture little green men
speeding through the universe in
Hying sauccrs. But he docs describe
niajestic spirit beings.
John portrays an awesome
throne on what appears to be a plat–
form of clear crystal. Over the
throne is an emerald-hued rain–
When God speaks, his voice
resembles roaring thunder. From
the throne of God streak what
appear to the human mind to be
blinding Hashes of lightning.
The glorified appearance of the
Creator is described in Revelation
1: " His head and hair were white
like wool, as white as snow, and
his eyes were like blazing fire. His
fcet were like bronze g lowing in a
furnace, and his voice was like the
sound of rushing waters.... His
face was like the sun shining in all
its brilliance" (verses 14-16).
Seated on 24 thrones before God
a nd J es us Christ are 24 spirit
beings J ohn simply identifies as
"elders." They are clothed in white
robes and wear gold
24 could be considered the "adviso–
ry council" to God.
In addition to the 24 elders are
other living creatures, described by
Ezekiel-cherubim. Contrary to
common misconception, cherubim
are not chubby creatures with little
wings and tiny bows and arrows
that they shoot into young lovers.
C herubim are powerful s.pirit
beings who are top aides at God's
throne. Sorne transport the majes-
tic throne as God directs. (See Eze–
kiel 10:10-14 for a further descrip-
ln addition to these cherubim,
there are others who also hold the
position or rank called archangel.
Two of these magnificent beings
stretch out their wings over the
throne of God. Their names are
Gabriel and Michael.
At one time, another archangel
or cherub resided at God's throne
as a covering cherub. The story of
this being is told in Ezekicl 28: 12-
14 and Isaiah 14:12-15. His name
meant "shining star of the morn–
ing"-"light bringer" or "truth
Long before the time of Adam,
Lucifer was given responsibility to
adminis ter God's government on
the planet Earth. In the course of
time, Lucifer's vanity and lust Jed
him to form a rebellion against
God-he tried to ascend and seize
the throne of God and rule over
all the angelic beings God had
Lucifer drew one third of the
angels with him in the rcbellion
(Rev. 12:4). Their
was unsuc–
cessful. Lucifer and the mutinous
angels were cast down to earth
where they have resided in a hostile
state of mind ever since.
Lucifer became Satan the devil,
the adversary of God. The scditious
angels became demons.
Satan has injected h is hostile
state of mind into human minds for
the past near 6,000 years of human
history since the creation of man.
Satan is even the god of this world
( JI
Cor. 4:4), the prince of the
power of the ai r (Eph . 2:2) and has
been responsible for deceiving this
whole world (Rev. 12:9).
When Christ returns to reestab–
lish the government of God on the
earth, Satan (Lucifer) and aH the
demons will be taken, bound in a
giant abyss and rendered totally
powerless for 1,000 years (Rev.
A Host of Angels
Of course, if one third of the angels
that God created rebelled with
Lucifer, that means two thirds did
not rebel- they remain faithful to
When John saw the vision of
God's throne, he witnessed more
than 100 mili ion ange ls and said
in addition therc were thousands ,
upon thousands (Rev. 5: ll). So,
add itional extraterrestrial life
exists in abundance-hundreds of
millions of angels.
Angels perform a variety of
functions in the government of
God. They have been used to
transmit portions of God's law.
When God gave Moses his Iaw,
God himself thundered the holy
law to all Israel from Mount Sinai
and then wrote the Ten Com–
mandments o n tables of stone
with his own finger. The statutes
and judgments were shortly there–
after given to Moses, mediated by
angels (Gal. 3: 19).
The word
comes from a
G reek word that means "messen–
ger." Angels are the messengers of
God. Through angels, God in times
past revealed his message to the
Through the apostle Paul, we
find, "Are not all angels minister–
ing spi rits sent to serve those who
will inherit salvation?" (Heb.
1:14) .
As messengers of God, the
angels function between the throne
of God and thc earth. What the
Bible reveals about angels is ( 1)
they are spirit beings; {2) they are
servants of God; (3) they are gener–
ally invisible to human eyes; (4)
they do have the power to manifest
or make tbemselves visible to man–
kind if they c hoose.
The apostle said of angels, " Do
not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing sorne people have
entertained angels without knowing
it" {Heb. 13:2).
1n the days of the patriarch
Abraham, about 19 centuries
before Jesus, angels carne to tell
Abraham that his descendants
would become great nations and
also to tell him that his nephew Lot
would have to leave the wicked city
of Sodom.
These angelic messengers ap–
peared like human beings. They sat
with Abraham, talked with him,
walked alongside him and ate with
him. Read the account in Genesis
Later, two angels personally
visited Lot and escorted him and a
portion of his family from Sodom
{Gen. 19).