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nothing. We have been
able to send manned
spacecraft i nto earth 's
orbít. We have been able
to send men to the moon
and return them safely.
Every effort of the vari–
ous space programs has
so far demonstrated no
form of physical li fe
exists, or ever did, other
than our own life on
planet Earth.
Through the
space programs spon–
sored by the U.S. gov–
ernment, prized informa–
tion and marvelous pic–
tures have been sent to
earth from space. Close–
up pictures of Mars and
other planets are beauti–
ful and excitin·g. Such space
probes have proved beyond any
shadow of doubt that no intelli–
gent life exists on those planets
and astrobodies that have thus far
been explored.
Meanwhile, in human eagerness
to contact other life forms , there
have been hundreds of accounts of
people who have allegedly seen
unidentified flying objects. So
common are reports of such sight–
ings that tbe initials UFO are
commonplace in our vocabulary.
Sorne universities and govern–
ments have established research
centers to investigate and attempt
an exp lanation for the claims
about unidentified flying objects.
Tn the vast majority of cases stud–
ied, a logical explanation has
proved those sightings were
weather balloons, cloud forma–
tions, reflections off flying aircraft
or other equally logical explana–
ln other cases, the whole affair
was proved to be a complete
hoax-a made-up story to attract
publicity or attention.
What we have discovered is that
extreme temperatures and hostile
environrnents (to man) not only
make life as we know it next to
impossible on those planets, but
makes life in any form of existence
highly improbable. Huge telescopes
have made it possible to view as tro–
bodies light years from our own
November/ December 1983
earth. Still, no hint of intelligent
But There ls Life Out There!
The one form of life that does exist
and always has existed will never be
discovered by the largest existing
radio telescope.
The newest spectrum analyzer
that will monitor sorne
mi Ilion
channels will not receive messages
from these beings.
Yes, there is life beyond our
planet. And that life is interested
in what happens on earth. Beings
in outer space have sent messages
to the earth. Tbere have been
visits to the earth and at Ieast one
major visit is projected for the
But it's not the science-fiction–
type visit fantasized by writers–
little green men landing a space–
craft in a wheat field commanding
the farmer, "Take me to your lead–
er. "
There have been at least five
human history who
have seen and described the only
provable form of life beyond our
earth's atmosphere. These men
have unimpeachable credentials–
men of great integrity. And we
have written accounts of what they
From t heir accounts we can
understand what intelligent life
forms really exist in the universe.
The names of those who have
seen and written descriptions of
extraterrestrial life are Isaiah, Jere–
miah, Ezekiel, Paul and John. And
their accounts are found in the
pages of the books we call the
The Creator God
First and foremost, the greatest
life that exists in the extraterres–
trial is the one who made all
life- the great Creator God.
There is no life greater than God.
And he brought all other life
forms into existence.
realize that
will not win a popularity contest
in many scientific circles- but it
is the absolute truth.
God cannot be put into a test
tube. He cannot be analyzed with a
spectrophotometer. He has no ana–
tomical {physical) weight. He can–
not be felt, smelled, tasted, touched
or seen by physical means. God is
spirit, not matter (John 4:24).
Thus, many scientists reject his
Those who believe in creation are
often ridiculed by certain members
of the scientific community. Life
on earth, many scientists reason, is
the result of blind chance- a hap–
penstance "big bang" that occurred
in the universe bundreds of mil–
líons of years ago.
Then, say scientists who oppose
creatíon, just the right chemical
combinations resulted in the evolu–
tionary process that has developed
al! the physical life forms on
They reason further,
it hap–
pened on earth, then perhaps it
happened elsewhere in our uní–
The scientific community as a
whole has rejected the existence of
a Creator God (and though sorne
have not rejected his existence,
most have repudiated his revealed
message to mankind). Therefore
the knowledge of other life forms
as revealed in the Bible has been
excluded and subjected to ridi–
But all the while, the one Being
who does exist in the universe-the
one who created it all-sent this
message: "For this is what the Lord
says- he who created the heavens,
he is God; he who fashioned and
made the earth, he founded it; he
did not create it to be empty, but
formed it to be inhabited- he says:
am the Lord, and there is no
other' " (lsa. 45:18, NIV through–
The plan God is working out in
this universe is being worked out
on planet Earth and is being ful –
filled by human beings. In the
pages of
The Plain Truth
we tell
what that plan is- what the real
purpose for human life is.
In addition, timely booklets and
books are available to
Plain Truth
readers. If you haven ' t read our
Why Were You Born?,
write for it immediately. Also, Her–
bert W. Armstrong's book
/ncredible H uman Potential
answer many questions about the
meaning of life, where we are head–
ed, what the future holds. All our
literature is free, so write today or