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So when angels have appeared,
they appear like human beings. No
little green men. No two-headed
monsters. No Hying saucers or ray
So there is extraterrestrial life!
Therc are intelligent forms of life
in the universe other than human
life on earth!
is not the Buck Rogers,
Wars, E.
Chariots of the
type science fiction.
Extraterrestrial life consists of
hundreds of millions of angels, ser–
aphim (descr ibed in l saiah 6),
the midst of it all , a beautiful blue
and brown jewel in the universe,
swaddled in clouds of white, glis–
tening against the blackness of
darkness-the planet Earth. On
earth, God crcated all physical life
forms that exist. The crowning glo–
ry of creation is mankind- made in
the very image of God the Cre–
The Bible nowhere reveals even
the slightest hint any other creation
of physical life exists anywhere else
in the universe.
lronic, isn't it? Wc are sending a
Pioneer, Voyager
M ariner
speed on their journeys to
nowhere in particular, the turmoil of human
life on earth goes on.
cherubim, and al God's throne a
variety of spirit beings, including
thc 24 elders- and of course God
on his throne and Jesus Christ who
sits now at his right hand (Heb.
1:3). There are at least two high–
ranking cherubim or archangcls,
Michael and Gabriel, who oversce
God's throne.
God created this vast univcrse
with its galaxies, the stars (suns),
the planets and their moons and, in
November/ Oecember 1983
plaque with the genetic code for
life with a stick drawing of a man
and a woman. Wc are trying to tell
the only life out thcre- including
the one who madc us- what we
are. 1 wonder if God ch uckles at
the plaque and thc crude little
A Message from Outside of Space
Píoneer, Voyager
spacecraft speed on their journeys
to nowhere in particular, the tur–
moil of human life on earth goes
on. lt's time to devote a lot more
time, thought and energy in con–
tacting the Creator God and
understanding his message than it
is to search the universe for pos–
sibilities of extraterrestrial physi–
cal life forms.
There is a message from that
eterna! Life- force we call God to
human beings on earth. That mes–
sage, simply put, is that Jesus
Christ, thc Messiah, will visit the
earth and cstablish the government
of God on it.
The intervention of
God in the course of
human events is vividly
described in the 19th
a nd 20th chapters of the
book of Revelation.
When extraterrestrial
beings do intervene, the
heavens will be rollcd
back like a scroll, and
the Son of God will
descend to the earth.
That message has been
consis tently taught by
the servants of God
throughout the agcs. Pa–
triarchs and prophcts in
the Old Testament dis–
pensation, and apostles
in the New Testament
Church and today have
proclaimed the message.
The prophesied time
for God's intervention in
the affairs of man is at
han d. That visit from
outer space will probably
occur in the lifetimes of
many or most of you
reading this article.
In the meantime, men
vainly sean the skies in
a n attempt to contact
presumed physical life
Thc creative extraterrestrial
spiri t Life that really does exist is
only a prayer away, and the writ–
ten word of the Bible is that Life's
communication to mankind.
Better it is to spend time and
effort communicating with God
than listening to the empty crack–
ling of static on 1
mi Ilion micro–
wave channels. With God there
will be real and tangible re–
sults. o