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of the
Un ited States recently
made a dire prediction.
He warned that unless
the world's two superpowers
reduce tke number of nuclear .
· warheads poínted at each
other, it will be "the end of
t he line for all of us."
Here is what
in detail:
" 1can't
that this
world can go on beyond
our generation and. on
down to succeeding gen–
erations with this kind of
weapon on both sides,
poi sed a t each other,
withóut someday, sorne
fool, or sorne maniac, or
delibentte back and forth oveF
nuances of meaning in arms control
negotiations without coming to a
real agreement. Besides, the United
States and the Soviet Union are not
the only nátions with nuclear weap–
ons! In the opinion of Dr. Herbert
York, formerly President J.immy
Carter's . c hief negotiator at. the
Comprehensive Test Ban negotia–
tions in Geneva, the real threat of
course of history. More about this
But why
tt, in the nearly 6,000 of recorded history, that man–
kind has never been able to end war
and · have lasting peace? Why is it
that the only thing it seems we've
ever learned from war is- how to
make war more devas tating the
next time?
Why wars in the first
There are obvious rea–
sons why nations go to
war and why war extsts.
War is big business.
Sorne go so far to say pri–
vately we could . use
another limited war to get
the economy moving.
sorne accident triggering
the kind of war that is the
end of the line for all ,of
President Ronald Rea–
gan made these com-
. ments while speaking to
an · audience of business
leaders, gathered together
in· Was hington,. D.C. But
it was a message for more
than businessmen.
Staggering Arms
We know six nations
clearly have nuclear ca–
pabi 1i ty. Ni rie ot h er
countries have the imme–
diate abi lity to make
·"Js .
Out.· ·
Such statements, tllough
irresponsible, do make a
point. Manufacturing and
sell ing military hardware
iQvolves big money, in the
West and behind the I ron
Entire industries exist
and flourish for this yery
reason. Thousands of jobs
hinge on weapons manu–
facturing and supply.
Consider, for
the latest in a long line of
weapons now on the mar–
ket- the new military
attack helicopter being
produced in the United
States, the AH 64A
Patrick A. Parne11
nuclear weapons . And
according to estimates,
by 1985 there will be as
many as 35 nati"ons with
the technological capa–
bilities· to produce nu-
This world's civilization is ending. A
new civilization is coming. Heré
Apache. ·
Tt's a . modern, sophis–
ticated, · tech nological
marvel by any mi litary
standard . lt's advertised
is what. is about to happen- and why!
clear weapons. Reality is
that with each added nuclear club
member, the World War· IH fuse
Military preparations have even
moved into outer space. World mil–
itary planners are preparing to, in
their own words, "wage war effec–
tivcly" from outer space. Space–
based weapons will "add a ncw
dimension to our military capabili–
ties," they announce as a matter of
Optimists look to peace negotia–
tions between the. United States
and the Soviet Union. But both
November/ December 1983
the next use . of nuclear weapons
will not be from either the· United
States or the Soviets!
" l t is m
h.unch," he warns,
"that the next use o f nuclear weap–
ons will be by somebody other than
either the United States or the
Soviet Union"
(San Diego Union,
June 20, 1982).
The Plain Truth
has been
giving this same warning for
T here will be anQther world
power bloc, another powerful force
that will soon emerge to change the
as "a total system for
battle." Survivability and
. firepower are maximized. It's
lethal, able and, day or
night and under adverse weather
Thi s latest modern military
marvel is loaded with firepower.
l ts missile
say its makers,
defeat all known armar threats,
reduce engagement time, permit
launch from hidden positions and
provide directj indirect firing ca–
pabilities, allowing. multiple-target
has optimized
first-round kill, say military
experts, and couples with that ·