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maximum survivability to enhance
any nation's weaponry.
The price? A hefty $14 to $16
million each!
This is also a world that feeds
chi ldren on a mental diet of shoot–
'em-ups on television and in the
movies. Fighting is pervasive from
childhood on television and in the
movies. Little boys also get toy pis–
tols, toy soldiers, toy fighting tanks,
jet fighter planes, warships, space
vehicles and other military para–
phernalia almost as soon as they
take their first step.
Is it any wonder why we live in a
world of violence? It shouldn't be.
It's taught , learned and accepted
from youth!
lnfringement on Rights
Wars are caused primarily by one
nation infringing on the sovereign–
ty and integrity of another nation.
Revolutions spring up over ques–
tions of poverty and loss of free–
dom. Racial misunderstandings,
religious differences, political dis–
agreements explode into violence.
Still, social scientists and profes–
sionals in intt<rnational relations
find it diffi.cult to really pinpoint
the underlying reason why peoples
can't get along with one another
and solve their differences so the
world can have genuine peace. The
solut ion to civil strife and war still
remains elusive.
But there is a solution to civil
strife and war. There is an underly–
ing reason why troubles exist. If
only nations and individuals would
listen and heed.
The t ruth is that the solution lo
war is not past finding out. There is
a way to peace. This information
has been available to mankind
throughout history. But bumans
have not been willing to heed it.
We call the source of this vital
knowledge the Bible.
In it is revealed knowledge,
revealed to man by the Creator
God; spiritual knowledge that man
could never attain or discover any
other way.
lt ls an Attitude
It is all a matter of attitude of
mind. Notice what Jesus Christ
"For from within, out of the
heart of men, proceed evil
thoughts, adulteries, fornications,
murders, thefts, covetousness,
wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness,
an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, fool–
ishness: all these evi l things come
from within, and defile the man"
(Mark 7:21-23).
These thoughts and attitudes are
what cause hostilities, bloody revo–
lutions and wars!
True, people and nations say
they want peace, but tbey want
peace their way-not God's way,
and not someone else's or sorne
other nation's way.
God's way of Iife, the way to
peace, is based on outgoing consid–
eration for others.
has been left out of human teaching
and learning for the most part. It is
not a part of the thinking at the
nuclear disarmament talks. It has
not become part of human thought
Human greed and lust have pre–
vai led worldwide. Taking, instead
of giving. Hate, not love. War is the
natural result. Fighting in the fam–
ily, among neighbors and in the
nations and among nations.
The Bible makes it plain in the
New Testamen't. Read
for your–
self! "From wbence come wars and
fightings among you? come tbey
not hence, even of your lusts -that
war in your members? Ye lust, and
have not: ye kili, and desire to have,
and cannot obtain: ye fight and
war, yet ye have not, because ye ask
not" (Jas. 4:1-2).
Individuals and nations fight and
kili, desiring to have. Is it any won–
der they don't have peace? And if
God is sought, his way of li fe isn't
wholeheartedly tried.
"Ye ask," James is inspired to
say, "and receive not, because ye
ask amiss, that ye may consume it
upon your lusts" (Jas. 4:3). Each is
looking for his own selfish inter–
But where does this attitude of
self-centeredness and greed come
Now understand a vital truth.
is not fasbionable today to
acknowledge a devil. But there is
a real devif who influences human
behavior to be what it is. Satan
the devil has
the nations
into believing that self-preserva–
tion at the expense of others is tbe
only way to survive. " ... that old
serpent, called the Devil, and
Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world ..." (Rev. 12:9).
Read tbat again! He, Satan, "de–
ceiveth the wbole world." And it is
tbis influence that causes hatreds
and wars! (Just how this ancient
archangel- the former Lucifer–
accomplishes his deceptions is
explained in the free booklet
Human Nature- Did God Create
Why not write for your copy?
See inside front cover for address
nearest you.)
The first human family, under
Satan's influence, rejected God and
God's way. Their children reaped
the consequences. Cain, greedy,
hateful and jealous, sought revenge
and killed bis own brother Abel.
"And it carne to pass, when they
were in the field, that Caín rose up
against Abel bis brother, and slew
him" (Gen. 4:8). And brothers
have been killing brothers ever
Attitudes are the same now as
then! Hate reigns. Vengeance rules.
A spirit of revenge predominates.
Mistrust and selfishness override.
Now we're on the brink of human
What ls Needed
lt is time for national and individu–
al repentance and a renewed
acknowledgment of God and his
power to protect those who trust
Said the apost le Paul: "Dearly
beloved, avenge not yourselves,
but rather give place unto wrath:
for it is written, Vengeance is
mine; l wi ll repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger,
feed him; if he thirst, give him
drink: for in so doing thou shalt
beap coals of fire on his bead. Be
not overcome of evil, but over–
come evi l with good" (Rom.
God has all might and all
even one nation were to
turn to God and follow this way to
peace, God would protect that
nation against its enemies. Or if
even one nation's ways pleased
God, he'd make that nation's ene–
mies to be at peace (see Proverbs
The solution to fighting and
war is to put G.od's way of giving,
(Continued on page 42)