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three decades
now, the Ambassador Col–
lege Bible Correspondence
Course has been helping
people understand exactly
what the Bible says. Hundreds
of thousands have become
.. biblical literates." Thi s
unique, internatiohal course of
biblical understanding has led
more than l ,500,000 students
in virtually every nation on
earth to a greater knowledge
and understanding of the most
misunderstood book in the
This course is a totally differ–
ent method of Bible study.
makes the Bible easy to under–
stand and shows how the Bible is
relevant in the space age. lt is
dynamic, down-to-earth. lt pulls
no punches. It tells the truth
straight from the Bible. You 've
never seen any course li ke it
The Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course is designed
to guide you through a systematic
study of your own Bible- the Bible
is the only textbook.
is nota study
of men's ideas about the Bible, but a
study of the Bible itself.
Major subjects of vital interest in
this fantastic push-button age are
thoroughly gone into and made
clear with each 16-page, monthly
lesson. The course makes plain the
truth about the purpose of life,
about what Bible prophecy says
concerning world events today,
about the God-inspired way to true
happiness. Each Iesson directs you
step by step to the plain, simple
answers in your own Bible!
This course helps you find the