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answers to the really big questions
of life you have always wondered
shows the meaning behind
today's wor ld problems, and it
helps you to see the very reason for
your existence.
This course is designed for
And it makes studying the Bible
enjoyable, rewarding- the experi–
ence of
Students from all walks of life
are enrolled in this course- includ–
ing ministers of religion- and are
enthusiastically discovering new
truth in their Bibles with the guid–
ance of each lesson.
They are all learning that there
is hope for the future-that there
are solutions to the seemingly
insalvable problems of today. They
are learning to understand Bible
prophecy and the principies that
lead to success, financia! security
and a happy, abundant life.
housands of our Bible Corre–
spondence Course students
have written to the editor
expressing how they are under–
standing their Bibles for the
first time. One student wrote us
the following after studying Lesson
1 have just received Lesson 1 ofthe
Correspondence Course. 1 am
delighted, overwhelmed! This is the
most interesting and en/ightening
course ofstudy 1 have ever undertak–
en. 1 can hardly wait for Lesson 2.
London. Eng/and
From the United States comes
this enthusiastic letter about thc
1 just completed the first /esson
of the Ambassador Col/ege Bible
Correspondence Course. There
aren't enough words to express my
gratitude. 1 think the only word
that can describe my feeling is
At /ast a source with which
to real/y study and leam from the
Bible, instead of just taking some–
one else's interpretation.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Not ice this s tudent ' s under–
standing after just four lessons:
1 have just completed my first
four lessons of the Correspondence
Course. Suddenly 1 rea/ized the
amazing change in my understand–
ing of the Bible as 1 recal/ed the
days before 1 ever requested the
course. Jt had he/ped move me out
of complete misunderstanding,
myth, guesswork and bewilder–
ment, and into clear knowledge of
the Bible.
Edward M.
Hanford. California
A well-educated student wrote
this letter:
Since 1 had the advantage oj. a
good deal ofthis world's education,
1 feel qua/ified to make this state–
ment. Although the Correspondence
Course is written so that anyone
who can read can easi/y do the
work, in quality and thoroughness
of instruction, it is easily the equiv–
alen! of courses given for college
credit by the better col/eges and uni–
versities. lt is real/y superior.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You, too, can begin to share
these same experiences. You can
understand the knowledge
that reaJiy counts.
The only qualificat ion necessary
for taking this course is the abi lity
to read. No prior college training or
other advanced education is neces–
sary at all. And there are no assign–
ments to send in- just a test after
every fourth lesson so that you can
check your own progress as you
continue your studies.
Remember, there is no tuition
cost or obligation to you! The Cor–
respondence Course is
Will you Jet the Ambassador Col–
lege Bible Correspondence Course
make the Bible 100 percent relevant
to your life today?
will thrill ,
excite and challenge you-show you
the sol id answers to the " unanswer–
able" social, family and personal
problems facing millions today. You
can begin by checking the Corre–
spondence Course box on the litera–
ture request card in this issue and
returning it.
Do it right now so you won' t for–
get. You
will be very
glad that
you did so!
Use the card in thís íssue or wríte to our office nearest you.