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cals in their environment.
Sorne health conditions such as
hypoglycemia or food or chemical
allergies can alter metabolism and
blood sugar levels and affect emo–
tional and mental self-control. Such
persons may need to seek profes–
s ional help to learn what
factors in their diet or environment
need to be changed to help control
their mental and emotional state of
mind. The sciences are regularly
learning moré about such physical
Yet while man's physical knowl–
edge rapidly increases, his troubles
double. Now, in the nuclear age, aU
human life is threatened with the
ultimate violence-extinction. The
Bible reveals how mankind jumped
the track into this tragic state of
human affairs.
The Sin That Led to
Criminal Behavior
1n Genesis, chapter 2, we read that
Adam was taught essential knowl–
edge by God. He could freely eat of
every tree in the garden of Eden,
but- there was a special warning–
"the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, thou shalt not eat of it"
(verses 16-17).
Few understand that Adam was
given an opportunity to administer
God's government and to replace
Satan as
over the earth. In
Genesis, chapter 3, we read how
Adam failed the test by yielding to
and following his wife, Eve. She
decided to believe Satan 's líes that
God misrepresented what was good
and evil. Satan, appearing as a ser–
pent, injected into her mind the
idea that God had not told the
whole truth .
Eve rationalized, like so many do
today, that what God said wasn't
reliable. Adam and Eve both chose
to take what was not theirs. They
rebelled against God's commands
and decided they would experiment
to determine for themselves what is
right and wrong-what is good and
For their hostile, rebellious act
God drove them from the garden
of Eden. He cut them and their
progeny off from contact with
God, except as God chose to inter–
vene and reveal himself to a select
God allowed humans to go their
May 1983
own way since that is what they
wanted to do. He has allowed
humans 6,000 years to experiment
under Satan's sway-and see the
results. Man has developed his own
systems of government, his own
religions, laws and morality based
on what be tbought was right and
good. Men and nations are still
deciding for themselves. They are
still experimenting with all kiods of
ideas of how to solve intractable
problems apart from divinely
revealed knowledge.
Now look at a critica! i esson in
emotional control and personal
responsibility from the first two
children raised in this world under
essentially the same environment,
parentally and culturally.
A Lesson in Self-control
In Genesis, chapter 4, we read that
Cain and Abei- Adam and Eve's
first children-each brought an
offering to God. We learn from
Scripture that Abe! was "righ–
teous" (Matt. 23:35). Abe! disci–
plined his mind and character. He
feared and submitted to God. Abe!
resisted the influence of Satan . He
saw what happened to his parents
and chose to resist similar evil atti–
tudes and actions.
But Caín Jet a different attitude,
spirit and outlook take root in his
mind. He wasn ' t living right.
That's why his offering was not
accepted by God. Caín became
indignant against God.
Notice what God said to him:
are you angry? And
has your countenance fallen? If you
do well, will you not be accepted?
And if you do not do well, sin líes
at the door. And its desire is for
you, but
you should rule over it'
(Gen. 4:6-7, RAV).
Caín was face to face with
he had a wrong attitude. He was
not told by the Creator that his lack
of educational surroundings was
justification for his evil attitude.
He was not told he was in no way
responsible for his attitudes. He
was told it was
his responsibility
master and control wrong impulses
or evil influences of mind, whatever
the source. Cain's poverty was not
material or physical; it was spiri–
Too many today are like Caín.
They excuse their failure to live
uprightly. They do not resist evil
thoughts and practices. They
blame others for their feelings.
not to resist the alti–
tudes Satan was pumping at his
mind. He built a habit of resent–
ment. He soon rose up and mur–
dered his brother, Abel.
This is how crime and violence
among meo began!
Scripture warns us today to
avoid being "like Caín who was of
the evil one and murdered his
brother. And why did he murder
him? Because his own deeds were
evil and his brother's righteous"
John 3:12, RSV).
Individual Responsibility
Sorne personalities Jet themselves
be more responsive to Satan's
wavelength. We are each responsi–
ble for guarding the doors of our
"Train up a child in the way he
should go," commands the Bible,
"and when he is old he will not
depart from it." "Discipline your
son while there is hope . . ." (Prov.
22:6 and 19:18, RSV).
Sound child rearing is not mere–
ly punishment or dealing with
childhood infractions.
is positive,
yet firm instruction in right values
and attitudes, coupled with much
expression of love and affection,
along with proper discipline. Sorne
youthful personalities need more
guidance than others.
But parents are not the only bul–
wark against criminal and violent
behavior. Misbehavior and evil
actions should be quickly recog–
nized and dealt with appropriately
in all levels of society. Today, how–
ever, we witness loss of respect for
law and enforcement.
"Because the sentence against an
evil work is not executed speedily,
therefore the heart of the sons of
men is fully set in them to do evil"
(Ecd. 8:11, RAV).
When increasing numbers of
humans reject their responsibility
to be accountable to God and socie–
ty for their actions, crime, violence
and aggression increase. This is
precisely what your Bible prophe–
sied for the ·days in which you are
now living.
You .can read this cause and
(Continued on page 29)