and stable marriages? And what is
to the rapidly grow–
ing threat of human annihi lation ?
These are the really major spiri–
tual questions of life. But they go
largely unanswered in this world's
educational institutions.
In an historie 1976 commence–
ment address,
Martin Klotsche ,
Chancellor Emeritus of the Univer–
sity of Wisconsin, warned this gen–
" In shor t , the virtual e limina–
tion of illiteracy has not resul ted
in our discovering a more intelli–
gent way of living. For if correla–
tion has existed between literacy
and intell igence, we should have
witnesscd in our lifetime a decline
in war , nat iona l strife, c rime,
de li nquency a nd general socia l
ma ladjustments. Yet q ui te the
reverse is the case. For this li ter–
ate 20th century of ours has also
been the blood iest and mos t tur–
bule nt. T hus while we a re the
mos t highly educated people in
the world, yet we appear incompe–
te n t to deal with many of the
major problems that are immedi–
ately at hand. Technologically we
have moved forward at the terrify–
ing speed of a supersonic pla ne
but in our social behavior we are
still movi ng at the slow pace of
the oxcar t. Our technical compe–
tence is s u pe rb bu t we h av e
neglected other competencies of
g reater importance. For many of