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us the times are like 'a tale told by
an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.'
" In this context we can properly
ask: For What Do We Educate? To
answer this question we need to
reexamine our goals and redefine
our objective. The two great casual–
líes of our times have been
and unless we can
restore these two values to a posi–
tion of primary importance our
educational elforts will have been
in vain."
Because of this perspective,
many of the real leaders of the
world tomorrow are being trained
on the two campus es of
Ambassador College. T hey are
being taught that there is a
for every elfect- and to look for
root causes
of war, crime,
juvenile delinquency, divorce and
other major problems. They are
being pointed toward spiritual
solut ions that will work-univer–
sal solutions that can apply around
the world. Forward-looking solu-
Many of the real leaders of
the world tomorrow are being trained now
on the two campuses
of Ambassador College. They are
being taught that there
ts a cause for every effect- and to look
for the root causes of war,
crime, juvenile delinquency, divorce and
other major problems.
Quite an insightful admission!
But where are the answers
found? There is
one college- on
two campuses-that answers the
above objective. This college is
unique in that it gives tomorrow's
education today. Ambassador Col–
lege, located on campuses at Pasa–
dena, California, and Big Sandy,
Texas, is the only educational insti–
tution on earth where the real
to life's biggest problems
are clearly disseminated.
Ambassador is a place where
we have the courage to face life's
problems squarely. Students here
must be willing to break out of the
"rut" of this world' s educational
system. To think deeply, to gen–
uinely test and prove educational
and spiri tual ideas, and to find
to the real prob–
lems of life. Students al Ambassa–
dor College are encouraged to see
the "big picture"-to view the
whole world
in coming to right
answers to problems. Answers that
will be val id not only now but 100
years from now.
Ambassador's motto is: " Recap–
ture True Values."
tions that will apply to generations
in the future.
At A mbas sador, studen ts
prove- beyond a shadow of a
doubt- that there is a great design
being worked out
here below. And that there is a
great, transcendent Designer- a
living God who is working out that
purpose. In a sound-minded and
realistic way, we study and cometo
really understand the revelation
given by the great Designer of
We find answers to life's prob–
Special College Atmosphe re
Because of the purpose of Ambas–
sador and the vibrant way of life
taught here, Ambassador College
students are
There is more
exuberance, there are more smiling
faces and zest at Ambassador Col–
lege than almost anyplace else on
the earth.
That is quite a statement. But
people visiting here from all over
the world tell us that they have
seen and experienced this. Many
have said that their visit here was
"the happiest day of our lives."
We encourage physical and men–
tal strength in our students and
emphasize the development of
courage and leadership, among our
men especially. We have Ambassa–
dor Clubs for both men and
women-after-dinner speech clubs
that stimulate leadership, discus–
sion of world news and prophetic
developments, and the right kind of
A vigorous intramu ral spor ts
program is carried- with emphasis
on basketball , swimming and soc–
cer. Ambassador College at Pasa–
dena offers sorne of the world's best
weight t raining and body-building
facilities. And our sparkl ing gym–
nasium, natatorium and racquetball
courts are also outstanding.
As for off-campus recreation and
educational opportunities, Ambas–
sador 's location is unsurpassed. We
are only 30 to 45 minutes from
sorne of the finest beaches in the
area, 45 minutes from beautíful
6,000-foot mountains--often snow–
capped in the winter and ideal for
skiing. We are only 30 minutes
from Hollywood by freeway. And
we are surrounded by many of the
finest art museums, concert halls
and other cultural attract ions in the
Los Angeles area.
At Big Sandy, there are out–
standing opportuníties for swim–
ming, waterskiing and golfing on
our own nine-hole course.
Ambassador Auditorium on the
Pasadena campus is recognized by
many of the top performing artísts
as the ideal concert hall. And,
throughout each year, artísts such
as Vl ad imir Horowitz, Luciano
Pavoratti , Isaac Stern and Leon–
tyne Pri ce grace the stage of
Ambassador College's own magnif–
icent audi torium.
The Ambassador Unde r standing
Most important of all is the pro–
of life and its
problems imparted at Ambassador.
Scores of our students come from
other colleges throughout the
United States and around the
world. Sorne already have degrees
from other colleges or universities.
Yet, because Ambassador imparts
an understanding that is not obtain–
able in any institution of
(Continued on page 29)