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What Our Readers Say
Chemical Wastes
The article "Chemical
Wastes" by Jeff Calkins was
most informative. 1 hope that
many people are stirred by it
and demand that action be tak–
en to correct the dumping
Regrettably, this has not
been the case in the matter of
sodium Auoride, a waste prod–
uct of the aluminum industry.
When it became necessary to
build costly disposal plants , the
industry, with the assistance of
politicians, greedy doctors, and
so-called educators, decided to
dump it into municipal water
systems and tell the public that
it was good for them; actually it
is good only as a base for insec–
ticides and rat poison but the
public has literally "swallowed
all this ."
Haney N. Crumhorn
Huntsville, Alabama
Why So Few Unde rst and
1 am writing a short note to
tell you how grateful 1 was for
the beautiful and inspiring arti–
cle entitled "Why Do ·So Few
Understandf the T ruth About
Love, Law and Grace!" Never
before have 1 read an article
which touched, in such a clear
and simple way, on the pertinent
and practica! aspects of leading
a happy and successful life.
Bible quotes !'ve read hundreds
of times suddenly took on a new
and joyous meaning in my life. 1
have taken Mr. Snyder's impor–
tan! poin ts and posted them at
my place of work and will cher–
ish and refer to this article the
rest of my life.
Tom Chula
Muskego, Wisconsin
1 was deeply touched with
your article "Why Do So Few
Understand/the Truth About
Love, Law and Grace!"
You gave an excellent expla–
nation to the real meaning of
love. Such an article deserves to
be publisbed in various media.
am sure with this kind of love
there will. be peace all over this
Alice Turk
Los Angeles, California
The article titled: "Why Do
So Few Understand? The
Truth About Love, Law and
Grace!" is the most understand–
have ever read in all my
am 79).
have never
heard a sermon or explanation
on love that was so clear and
would so much like
to send it to sorne friends and
relatives, who are
think, as
ignorant of that truth as
really made my day.
Lucy L. Strack
Palm Ha rbor, Florida
The Plain Truth
quote Elbert Hubbard, "Genius
is 1 percent inspiration and 99
percent perspiration." The
plain truth is that tbe above
quotation was spoken by Thom–
as A. Edison!
Mrs. J erome Endich
S teubenville, Ohio
Edison indeed gave the say–
ing currency about 1895. But
Elbert Hubbard, when Herbert
W. Armstrong visited him at
his home in East Aurora, used
this saying to describe his own
literary endeavors.
Family Breakdown
Your article "A Growing
Tragedy- Parents Without a
Mate/Children Without a Par–
ent" is illuminating and timely.
Your suggestions, many of
wbich are original , view family
breakdown with a broader per–
spective, offering insights into
familia! and psychological as–
pects. Your prescriptions are
simple, meaningful and are
expressed without professional
jargon. Professionals frequently
discuss the issues witb different
perspectives and their explana–
tions are different from one
another. When they propose
sol utions usually difficulties
The Plain Truth
has spoken
out truthfully on many issues.
But this crucial artide on chil–
dren witbout a parent is very
clear, const ructive and mean–
congratulate and thank you
for your services to tbe family,
community and the nation.
M.A. Suseelan
Assoc. P rof.
Mar ywood College
Scranton, Pennsylvania
The Rational Diet
1just read your very interest–
ing article in
P/ain Truth
azine about processed foods.
On this 1 must wholehearted–
ly agree. l'm sure that our con–
sumption of processed food is
the cause of many deficiencies,
and more importantly calcium
deficiencies. Of course we need
this calcium to build up healthy
bones and teeth. We also need
iron for healthy blood.
1 wish that the food compa–
nies would take note of this, but
l'm afraid they won't. They're
after the quick buck.
Thanks for telling it as it is.
John R. Simpson
Tampa, Florida
Mining the Sea
1 was happy to see your arti–
cle "Who Will Mine the Riches
of the Sea?" The public is gen-
erally uninformed about the
immense resources of the
world 's oceans. Possibly the
largest resource in the ocean is
in the form of ocean energy,
being pursued actively for over
ten years by the United States,
Japan, France, Sweden, and
sorne other nations. Tbe dem–
onstration plants bave proven
the technology.
Jacques Cousteau has stated
that the amount of solar energy
in the sea is equivalen! to
16,000 nuclear plants. 1t is non–
polluting, inexhaustible, and is
the only solar energy technolo–
gy that is available twenty-four
hours a day , all year round.
More than ninety-eight na–
tions of the world have this
ocean resource available to
them, and while mining of mi n–
erais from the ocean is a likeli–
hood within the next ten to
twenty years, solar ocean ener–
gy will be available within five
to ten years.
Richard A. Meyer
Secretar y/Treasurer
Ocean Energy Council
Chicago, Illinois
Root s of Crime
l am particularly impressed
witb your article, "Stopping
Juvenile Crime at Its Roots. "
You have addressed the real
heart of the problem in recog–
nizing its source in the borne. lf
parents could only realize that
if this needful influence is miss–
ing in a child's development ,
there's nothing else that can
replace it.
Cha rles E. Lee, Pastor
Huntsville, Alabama
For Teacher and Student
1 teach in a small higb school
in western Pennsylvania. My sis–
ter placed a copy of
The Plain
in my hands. "Read it,"