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press, often referred to as an
With the forcible takeover of the
June/ July 1982
Falklands we may be
witnessing a
key turn–
ing poinc in the for–
lunes of the descen–
danrs of Joseph
relation to the opposing
powers! We are head–
ing into the "time of
J acob's trouble" (Jcr .
30:7). T he name of
J acob-or lsrael- was
passed on to his grand–
sons Ephraim and Ma–
nasseh (Gen. 48: 16).
T.he attack upon the
lonely shep–
herds of the Falklands
could be highly sym–
bolic- and a forer unner
of far more calamitous
days ahead for America,
B ritain and the white
English-speaking Com–
monwealth nations. In
Bible prophecy the na–
tions of Israel are often
referred to as
while the gentile powers
are spoken of in terms of
predatory animals (P s .
74 :1, J er. 50: 17, Dan .
7: 1-27).
However, in another
scripture ( Mic. 5:8) the
"remnant of J acob"–
Britain and the U.S. pri–
marily- is likened to a
"lion among the beasts of the for–
est." T his means that the Anglo–
Saxon powers have used force on
occasion to get their way in t he past
and in t his war-torn twent ieth cen–
tury to keep peace in a very unsta–
ble world.
Without the influence of the
Anglo-Saxon powers on the world
scene, nations that believe in the
rule of law and the
peaceful settlement of
disputes will find other
powers resorting more
than ever to the crude
method of brute force.
Battle Outcome Stlll
Unce rtain
What líes ahead for the
less grand but still
proud British fteet as it
prepares for the second
battle of the Falkland
Jslands? (The first
Battle of t he Falkland
l slands occurred in December,
when the Royal Navy sank
the cruiser fleet of Imperial Ger–
many's Admira! Graf von Spee.)
Will Britain 's armada be able to
withstand the approaching terrible
six-month South Atlantic winter
period, full of treacherous weather
conditions? What will happen to
the small carrier
and its most celebrated crew
member, helicopter pilot P rince
Andrew, second in line to Queen
on the throne of
ancient king David?
Jf Britain, with its nuclear subma–
rines, is successful and Argentina is
humiliated, what happens then?
Will Argentina, the most ad–
vanced nat ion in South America in
terms of nuclear technology, embark
upon an all-out program of develop–
ing atomic weapons in arder to
restore national pride? By 1983
Argentina will a1ready be producing
enough plutoni um in its reactor to
build, if it wishes, 1O nuclear weap–
ons ayear.
Truly frightful times líe ahead for
this world before the dawning of the
peaceful World Tomorrow.