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she says, "you might like it."
Like it- that's the understate–
ment of the century.
become my base of operations.
Social Studies courses now
exude penetration and insight.
One course in particular, Cur–
rent Affairs, is tailored to your
magazine. Especially the politi–
cal, economic and religious drift
in Europe, and the myriad ram–
ifications allied with that sensa–
tional mutation.
Perhaps of greater signifi–
cance, your staff's efforts have
provided the courage to develop
a spiritual awareness that there
is a power greater than man
that holds the only answer for
our confusion today.
Earl Henry
Tyrone, Pennsylvani a
Provok lng Readers to
Even the articles 1 don't
entircly agree with provoke me
to read scriptures for answers.
Maybe you should have more
"disagreeable" articles.
Michael Lenard
Wausau, Wisconsin
Many years ago, when 1 first
started receiving
The Plain
someone else paid for
my subscription, and 1 was
1 would now líke to have the
have enclosed pay for
the subscriptions of others who
The Plain Truth .
This magazine has not only
made me a better human being
but it has enabled me to under–
stand why others are weak.
The Plain Truth
help them build strong charac–
Andrew Rebel.ak
Rockford, Jllinois
1must compliment you on all
your fine articles in each and
every one of your magazines.
One can hardly put them down,
and 1, myself thirst for publica–
tions of this kind. Sad to say,
time seems to run out on me as
yearn to have more time for
reading. As a working parent,
having to malee a living for
myself and children, l force
myself for time to read all your
booklets and magazines.
June / July 1982
OaUas, Texas
T hank you for your cour–
tesy in inviting me again to
The Plain Truth.
certainly find it a "Voice in
the Wilderness," even
often don't agree
with certain conclusions
reached by the editor.
the sneaking suspicion that
he wouldn't want me to,
either, but is quite happy to
have provoked me into
for myself.
A. Ruskin
Toorak, Victoria
Thank you for sending us
The Plain Truth.
We are a
migrant family and greatly
appreciate the inspiring articles
you publish. Even though 1
have to translate sorne of its val–
ues and information to my par–
ents, they provide many hours
of serious discussion, which
greatly improves our knowl–
edge, and understanding.
Denise Raimondi
Oakleigh, Victoria
am a regular subscriber.
The Plain Truth
is the reason
of my success not only from the
point of view of wealth but also
through peace of mind for
which 1am ever grateful to Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong.
Arup Kumar De
Battle of the Sexes
am writing to Jet you know
that there is a lot of food for
thought in "The Battle of the
Sexes - lt's Killing Us All." A
very truthful story that is
affecting my marriage and life–
Huntsville, Alabama
would like to tbank Sbeila
Graham for her article "The
Battle of the Sexes." 1 have
always thought that the family
is the foundation of the way we
live. How can we expect our
world situation to get any bet–
ter if we cannot keep our fami–
lies together?
S.B. CastiJJo
Fayetteville, Nortb Carolina
Avold Bodlly lnjury
1 have with interest read
your article " How to Avoid
Bodily lnjury" and quite agree
that U.S., Britain and many
other countries should bave to
follow Scandinavian countries'
restrictive and tough laws
regarding driving and alcohol.
K.S. Halvorsen
Oslo, Norway
would like to congratulate
the writer of "Ireland Divided
by Fear and Hatred." I think I
can sum up the situation in l re–
land by saying that. there are
too many Catholics, too many
Protestants and not nearly
enough Christians, in that
strife-torn land.
Ralph Ellls
Hamilton, Ontarlo
East er and Lent
The articles on Lent and Eas–
ter were eye openers! Even as a
child, 1 couldn't see any con–
nections between Jesus, the
cross and the Easter bunny.
Back then, you didn't ask a lot
of dumb questions.
was "Tra–
dition" and, supposedly, that
explained everything.
Winifred Rower t
Port Huron, Michigan
1 wish to thank you for your
enlightening article on the falla–
cíes and misconceptions of many
Christians in regard to Easter.
Not only is the observance of
Easter Sunday in direct conflict
with the teachings of the Bible,
but things are made even worse
by its commercialization witb
rabbits, eggs and other material
A small group of local
friends get together twice a
month to discuss the articles in
your magazine. While we have
previously touched on the mis–
conceptions about Easter, l 'm
very pleased to finally see the
plain truth about Easter in
print. l 'm looking forward to
reading your booklet
The Res–
urrection Was Not On Sunday,
which a friend of mine is bring–
ing over to me.
is not enough for us to say
we will observe Easter in a
Christian spirit, as a reminder
of Christ;s resurrection. We as
Christians are obligated to rec–
ognize the pagan origins of Eas–
ter, and not to be caught up in
its heathen practices.
Dennis E. Herr
Crestline, Ohio
Your map of percentage of
distribution of Roman Cathol–
icism in Europe fails to show
Lithuania (which is at least
Catholic). While it indeed
is unfortunately within the con–
fines of the Soviet Union, it
nevertheless is an important
bastion of Christianity, directly
bordering on Poland, and not to
be underestimated. In fact, it is
in the plans of the Vatican to
bestow cardinal status on two
Lithuanian bishops even within
this year.
If possible in future issues,
please correct this omission.
Lithuania holds a unique posi–
t ion in the Soviet Union, as it is
the only republic with an over–
whelming Catbolic majority.
Den Nauseda
The map was not intended to
delineate the separate repub–
lics within the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics. lf we had
published a map pertaining To
the pre-World War 11 period
we would certainly have men–
tioned Lithuania.
Llght at the End of the
Finding an old edition of
your magazine was like finding
the light at the end of the tun–
nel. The fact that you give your
magazine to anyone, without a
subscription price, is amazing.
would like to become a sub–
scriber immediately and look
forward to receiving my first
J .
lnglewood, Ontario
have just recently discov–
ered your magazine, and am
both thrilled and amazed at
things that you have made clear
to me through your study and
research, that have puzzled me
from childhood.
is obvious
your work is spi ritually in–
spired. It gives me courage to
know there are people who have
given as you have to the study
and application of the Bible to
today's world.
1 would be interested to
know how your publications
and broadcasts are financed.
Jerry Horne
Mena, Arkansas
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