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Persona l from...
(Continued from page 2)
become the FOUNDAnoN upon
which to build God's Church.
But the Church was not founded
until Jesus had been crucified in
payment of human sins, resur–
rected and ascended to God 's
throne in heaven as head of the
Church, and its High Priest. Christ
has been serving in that capacity
ever since.
Adam had rejected eternal LIFE
through God's Spirit, through
which God would reveal his SPIRI–
TUAL WAY OF LIFE- the way of
LOVE! And remember, God had
CLOSED OFF human access to God's
Holy Spirit. The nations that devel–
oped on earth had no access to
God's Spirit or eternal salvation.
Such nations as Egypt, Baby–
Jonia, Greece or ancient Israel had
no access to "salvation" or eterna!
life-no access to comprehension
of revealed SPIRITU:-\L KNOWL–
Let me emphasize here, by rep–
etition, humanity did not know–
have the knowledge of- how to
live with man or
God. Large–
ly, man had lost knowledge of
God . God revealed himself to
ancient Israel- revealed to that
nation HIS WAY OF LIFE-but,
because that way was spiritual, it
was never comprehended nor lived
by Israel.
Generations of humans carne and
died - "unsaved"! But, ' 'i t is
appointed unto men once to die,
but after this [by resurrection] the
judgment" (Heb. 9:27). Again, "as
in Adam all die, even so in Christ
shall all [the same "all"] be made
alive [by a resurrection]"
In that judgment, humans shaB
be caBed to account for what they
did - all their sins. But they shall
learn that Christ paid their penalty
in their stead, and, on repentance,
faith, receiving God's Spirit at last ,
growing in grace and spiritual
knowledge, they, then at last, may
receive immortality in God's King–
dom, just as called Christians may
One of God's prophets-a pre–
founder of the Church-foretold,
" ... it shall come to pass after-
ward, that I [God] wiU pour out my
spirit upon all flesh" (Joel 2:28).
But it was not in God's master
plan to pour out his Spirit upon ALL
flesh at the founding of the
Church. Jesus Christ was and is the
ONLY door through which we may
be reconciled to GOD and receive
eterna! life through bis Spirít (find
But Jesus saíd plainly, "No
man can come to me, except the
Father whích hath sent me draw
him" (John 6:44) . No MAN CAN!
Unless chosen and drawn by God
through hís Spirit, none can come
to Jesus and receive God's Holy
God's Church started on the day
·or Pentecost with only the 12 APOS–
TLES and about 108 other believ–
ers-although another 3,000 were
baptized the same day.
But WHY start the Church so
Remember this principie: What–
ever God does in his own supreme
supernatural power he does in a
stupendous way. But whatever God
does through humans always starts
the very smallest and grows.
Jesus trained 12-taught them
as students- so that they could
teach the larger number in the
Likewise God 's Kingdom- to
become tremendously big- started
and today
small. WHY?
Just as Jesus caBed 12 students
to be taught , so that they could
teach the Church, so the Church–
the TRUE Church of God-has
remained comparatively smaB, be–
cause they are called as DISCIPLES
LEARN God's way
of life, so that the Church, to
become God's KINGDOM, shall be
able to teach multiple thousands of
millions in the coming millennium
and final judgment.
The Church is the affianced
Bride of Christ, to be changed to
God beings and married to him at
bis Second Coming. Jesus spoke of
it as the grain of mustard seed,
starting the smallest, becoming the
greatest. The world today is
SATAN'S world. The WORLD TO–
MORROW-the Kingdom of God–
shall u ltimately become much
larger than Satan's world .
The smaller number of the
Church are all DISCIPLES-stu-
dents-learners, GROWING in grace
and spiritual KNOWLEDGE (11 Pet.
3:18), being now educated spiri–
tually and trained in spiritual
ING to teach and rule over the
WHOLE WORLD after Christ's com–
To the Church, Christ himself
says: "To him that overcometh will
grant to sit with me in my throne,
even as
also overcame, and am set
down with my Father in his throne"
(Rev. 3:21). And, "he that overcom–
eth, and keepeth my works unto the
end, to him will
give power over the
nations: and he shall rule them with
a rod of iron...." (Rev. 2:26-27).
We shall be kings and also priests,
and shall reign ON THE EARTH (Rev.
Thi s world-c ivilization–
started actually by Satan through
Adam. God's Kingdom (his divine
FAMILY) was started by CHRIST,
through the Church. As Adam and
his children were the material
Satan used to build this world, so
the Church is the spiritually begot–
ten material CHRIST is using to
build (create) the KINGDOM OF
GOD-tbe happy, peaceful WORLD
What is the Church? The
Church is simply that spiritual
Satan's world-out of Satª"n's WAY
"Wherefore COME OUT FROM
AMONG THEM (of this world and its
ways], and be ye separate, saith the
Cor. 6:17). "And be not
conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the
renewing of
your mind ....,
(Rom. 12:2).
"GROW in grace, and in the
KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Sav–
iour Jesus Christ"
Pet. 3:18).
es, 55 years ago
searched for
the ONE TRUE CHURCH. It did sti ll
exist, but had lost much of the orig–
inal TRUTH taught by the original
apostles. They learned the TRUTH
from Christ and the writings of the
prophets. Jesus IN PERSON was the
personal Word of God. The Bible is
the SAME Word of God in writing.
God taught me t hrough that
Word of God-the writings of the
apostles and the prophets. Because
1 GAVE myself to him in complete
surrender to his will, he used me to
build back up that one TRUE