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Howard Hughes
(Continued from page 6)
a man's.
is the human spirit IN
man- something that is NOT the
man, but IN the man- which
empowers the human brain to com–
prehend the materialistic knowl–
edge kn own by man. Tt also
empowers the human brain to
think, reason, evaluate, formulate
decisions. Being spirit, it empowers
the human mind to manifest atti–
tudes, good or evil. A person can
have an attitude of friendship or of
hostility toward another.
But comprehension of spiritual
knowledge-the things of the spiri–
tual Goo- is in another realm alto–
gether. The natural, carnal human
TUAl. KNOWLEDGE. T he most high–
ly educated human, regardless of
the PhDs or other letters after his
name, simply cannot come to
understanding of spiritual knowl–
edge- even· when taught or re–
vealed to him-witbout having
received the Holy Spirit from God,
joined with his human spirit!
The Holy Spirit of God does not
teach or impart spiritual knowl–
edge- such spiritual knowledge
must be revealed or taught by Goo,
bis Word, or ministry. In like man–
ner, the human spirit does not
reveal or teach material knowledge.
Such knowledge enters the brain
through the eye, ear or other of the
physical senses. Such knowledge
may enter the brain of a cow or a
chicken, but it won't have any com–
prehension of it. Spiritual knowl–
edge may be taught to a highly
educated PhD, but without the
Spirit of God dwelling in him he
will have no more understanding or
comprehension of it tban a chicken
will have of philosophy when
taught by a PhD. As the human
spirit gives comprehension of mate–
rialist ic knowledge when taught, so
only the Holy Spirit within a
huma n gives comprehension of
spiritual knowledge
if and when
such knowledge is
taught, read or
How Taken lnto Next Life
But how, and by what means, did
Howard Hughes take his character
and memory with him when he
June/ July 1982
died ? By what means is such mem–
ory and character, as well as form,
shape and appearance, transmitted
after death into the body that shalJ
come in the resurrection?
Remember, we are told in l Co–
rinthians 15:35-38, the resurrected
body shall not be the same body
that died. God will provide a new
body. Yet it will look the same,
fingerprints and all. The resur–
rected person will know everything
he knew befare d eath. He will have
the same character he developed in
his mortal lifetime.
Yet in death humans know noth–
ing-total unconsciousness (Eccl.
9:5). When Caín and Abe!, sons of
Adam, awake in the resurrection, it
will seem to them to be the very
You are building
something in
your life that will
survive this present
life. lt's important
that every human
being know what this
something ts.
next second after losing conscious–
ness in death. At death the body
returns to the earth from whence it
carne, but the spirit returns to God
who gave it (Eccl. 12:7). The body,
including the physical brain,
decays-decomposes- and cannot
retain memory, knowledge, charac–
ter. How, then, is the same con–
scious ness , memory, character,
knowledge, present in the resur–
rected body?
There can be only one answer.
The spi rit acts as a mold. To illus–
trate: a sculptor makes a model out
of clay. A mold is made around t he
clay, retaining the identical form
and shape inversely. Molten bronze
may be poured into the mold, and
when the mold is removed, the so–
lidified bronze comes out the iden-
tical form and shape as the original
The spi rit is like a mold, retain–
ing tbe identical form and shape,
even to fingerprints, and also the
know ledge, memory, character,
altitudes, personality, of the person
who died. The resurrected body,
formed around that spiritual mold,
will be identical to the original
human body, brain and mind. The
physical matter of the original
brain and entire body rots and
decomposes. But spi rit does not
decompose- nor change. What a
wonderful means God has created!
What You Make You rself Now and
What You Shall Be
You are developing now, hour by
hour- d ay by day-year by year–
what you shall be in the NEXT
Sorne people think:
well, God
wouldn't be fair if he didn't send
me to heaven when
live for fun and enjoyment and
pleasure, and not worry about the
future. Another becomes discour–
aged, frustrated, in a hopeless con–
dition of despair. He thinks:
j ust end it all.
can't endure it any
[' 11
commit suicide. But sui–
cide won't end ANYTHING. The
next spl it second of consciousness
he is instantly (in his mind) in the
resurrected life. He has the same
mind- everyth ing- except that
now he is resurrected into the final
JUDGMENT, where there shall be
"weeping and gnashing of teeth."
He will also then be held account–
able for his self-murder! He didn't
end it all- he plunged himself into
the judgment!
However, the true Christian,
who has been called, has received
the Holy Spirit of God, has started
on bis j udgment now. The true
Christian is BEING JUDGED,
But the true Christian must real–
ize he is building, now, hour by
hour , the character, either good or
bad, that shall decide his ETERNJTY!
Salvation is by grace, not works.
BuT, those saved by God's grace
sbalJ be rewarded BY THEIR WORKS
You , like Howard Hughes, are
developing hourly in your life
something you shall have with you
in the life after this life! o