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shows, "For we are his workman–
ship, created in Christ Jesus unto
good works, which God hath
before ordained that we should
walk in them."
Shouldn't you be as moist, pli–
able, workable clay in the Master
Potter's hands so that God may
form your life and shape you into
the very character that is in Jesus
Christ? Or shall you be stiff–
necked and rebel against that Cre–
ator, and say to the Potter who
would shape our lives: " Keep your
hands off! 1'11 shape myself the way
want to be.
will experiment and
will find out for myself what
think is good, and
will direct my
own paths in the way
choose to
There is a way that seems good
to man, but the ends thereof are the
ways of death (Prov.
lgnorant men, wise in their own
conceits, reject true knowledge and
are destroyed for lack of knowledge
because they are rejected of God
As Romans
shows, the invisible, nonmeasur–
able, nondiscoverable things of God
are clearly evidenced by the things
that we do see and that required a
Verse 18 and onward reveal that
men who suppress the truth in their
unrighteousness, ignoring the fact
that this marvelous creation had to
have a Creator, became vain in
their imaginations, and thei r foolish
hearts are darkened. "Professing
themselves to be wise, they became
How About
Where will you be in the day that
God reveals himself? Will you be
as the kings, the great men, the
rich men, the generals, the politi–
cians-yes, the bondmen and the
scientists-who are to be so terri–
fied that they will scream out to the
very rocks and the mountains to fall
on them and hide them from the
face of their Creator and from bis
wrath in the day when it comes?
Or, will you be one who has sur–
rendered yourself fully to your
Creator, to be corrected, to be
shaped, to be trained and Jed in the
ways of life so that you will be able
to stand in that day? (Eph.
oday, worldwide strife! Tomorrow, the world erupts into peace!
Today, threat of human extinction! Tomorrow, utopía grips the
earthl Here's the most wonderful advance news you have ever
read. Our free booklet
The Wonderful Wor!d Tomorrow- What lt
Wi/1 Be Like
explores the tremendously positive picture the Bible
offers about the government, science, arts and social arder of the
future. lt's going to sound incredible to you-yet it is as
sure as the rising of tomorrow's sun. For your copy,
use the literature request card in this issue or write to
Plain Truth
office nearest you.