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day-by-day or week-
seldom giving a long-range per–
The staff of
The Plain Truth
a tremendous advantage.
where world
events are leadíng. They under–
stand the broad outlines of proph–
ecy, of events to come. They can
thus more readíly spot important
developments- and alert their
readers to their ultimate implica–
tions and outcome.
Take a brief look at a few of the
many developments that
The Plain
guided by prophecy, has
spotted ahead of time.
And then we'll see what
Major Trends
• During the collapse of Hitler's
Third Reich,
The Plain Truth,
"The Wodd Tomot'row" radio
broadcast, told its audience that the
German nation would emerge,
phoenix-like, from the ashes of
defeat to become a majar econom–
ic-and ultimately
power in the Western world. Many
didn't believe it. Som_e observers
declared that it would be "a thou–
sand years" befare Germany could
ever again hope to become a majar
February 1982
... af-
power. Post-war history has shown
who was right!
• Even befare World War II,
The Plain Truth
predicted the
eventual formation of a "United
Europe," ultimately to consist of 10
nations or groups of nations. Even
while the nations and peoples of
Europe battled each other as bitter
enemies in World War II, this
magazine continued to forecast that
the Continent would yet coalesce
into a single unified power. This
has only begun to be realized since
1958, with the formation of the
European Economic Community or
Common Market.
has happened
more slowly than most antici–
How did we know? "The 17th
chapter of Revelation tells us the
ancient Roman Empire will once
more be revived, this time by a fed–
eration of ten nations"
June-July, 1934).
The Plain Truth
also foretold
the decline of Britain, the demise of
the Empire and gradual disintegra–
tion of the Commonwealth. The
remarkable ongoing fulfillment has
been witnessed in majar news head–
lines for more than three decades!
For an in-depth look at how we
knew this-and what
lies ahead
for Britain-you need to read a
Herbert W.
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy.
Plain Truth
while the United States stood at the
pinnacle of world power- warned
of America's impending domestic
crises and international setbacks in
Korea and Vietnam. We've re–
ported- in advance-on growing
crime and moral decay, racial prob–
lems, urban blight and environmen–
tal pollution. Forecasts of the
decline of the dollar, the siphoning
away of the once-massive U.S. gold
borde, worsening economic diffi:
culties and international trade
problems have for years been seen
throughout the pages of
The Plain
These advance reports have been
a result of an understanding of the
of the United States in
Bible propliecy, one of the majar
keys overlooked by most students
of prophecy.
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy
holds that
The Plain Truth
has, virtually
from its inception, alerted its read–
ers to the growing importance of
·the Middle East, the focal point of
Bíble prophecy. Long before the
energy crisis of the last decade