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grabbed the full attention of motor–
ists, this magazine spotlighted the
critical factor of oil- which is yet
to play a vital role in the unfolding
of prophetic events.
• Long before the major news
media began addressing the prob–
The Plain Truth
warned that
there would eventually come a time
of increasing upset weather pat–
terns, droughts of unprecedented
magnitude, floods, earthquakes and
famines. World food and weather
authorities are now warning of dire
and even cataclysmic prospects
looming on the horizon in the next
two decades.
Advance New s
In addition to these larger-scale
The Plain Truth
often spoken out on more specific
issues, providing clear and unmis–
takable projections. Among these:
• During the public uncertainty
over the Berlín Crisis of 1961 and
the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962,
The Plain Truth
declared categori–
cally that the United States need
not fear the Soviet Union. "The
Russians would back down, or give
in on almost any point that has aris–
en, rather than go to war with
The Plain Truth
clared in October, 1962. How did
we know? "No such war is foretold
in biblical prophecies," the art icle
• In November, 1965- 12 years
before the signing of the new Pana–
ma Canal treaty providing that the
waterway be turned over to Panama
by the end of this century-
Plain Truth
stated, "We said
before, and we repeat: America will
not keep the Canal!" Many scoffed.
But prophecy is
The Panama
Canal and other important world
"sea gates" long held by the United
States and Britain are all prophe–
sied to fall eventualfy into the
hands of others. ·
• 1n May, 1968-seven years
before the unconditional surrender
of South Vietnam to Commu–
nism- we stated, " Bible prophecy
reveals that not even America, with
all of her nuclear muscle, can pre–
vent Southeast Asia from eventual–
ly being ove rrun by Commu–
• Even before the United Na–
tions Charter was approved by del–
egates of 50 nations at an interna–
tional conference in San Francisco
in J une, 1945, this magazine
declared, "The PLAIN TRUTH is
that the U nited Nations never wi ll
be able to give the world any per–
manent world peace ... "
Plain Truth,
J an uary- February,
1945). The sorry record of that
divided and strife-torn organiza–
tion, representing man's best
endeavors, has amply borne out
that prediction. The Bible reveals
that world peace will ultimately be
achieved in only
way- through
intervention of God
in world
affairs, not by the United Na–
t ions!
• On August 12, 1978, two
former bitter enemies- China and
Japan-signed a treaty of peace
and friendship that for years many
observers considered unthinkable.
Yet as early as February, 1963,
The Plain Truth
had stated:
" There is an utter
the ultimate tie-up between Japan
and Red China...
The mutual
attraction between the emerging
giant of Japan and the sprawling
vastness of China's raw material is
s impl y too obvious to be ig–
What Lles Ahead
The examples cited above are just a
few of the many accurate forecasts
The Plain Truth
has brought
its readers in years past. Longtime
readers of this magazine can attest
to the effectiveness of
The Plain
as a guide to understanding
the seemingly complex panorama
of fast-moving world events.
But much yet líes ahead! Climac–
tic events and developments will
bring our civi lization to the very
brink of destruction! The stage is
now being set for a crucial
sequence of prophetic events to
which this world remains largely
You cannot afford to ignore the
clear warnings of Bible prophecy.
The pages of
The Plain Truth
continue to bring you vitally impor–
tant articles to keep you informed
of the really BIG NEWS of pro–
phetic significance- and how it
wi ll affect
Among these broad prophetic
trends and events that
The Plain
will continue to foll ow in
coming issues are:
Enrolled In Our Free
Bible Correspondence C•rse?
This is a totally new. different kind of study course, designed to
lead you, by the study of your own Bible, to understand the whole
meaning of today's world chaos, of the purpose being worked out
here below, of prophecy, of salvation.
The most vital , most important questions of your lite are thor–
oughly gone into, and you are directed to the clear, plain, simple
answers in your Bible! You willlearn how to study the Bible-why
so few understand it. You will prove whether the Bible really is the
inspired Word of God!
Just address your letter requesting the Ambassador College
Bible Correspondence Course to the
Plain Truth
office nearest