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But this is only the BEGINNING. This work is just
emerging as a truly nation-wide, and international power. This
work multiplied about six times over in power and scope during
1942. It must continue to grow proportionately during 1943, for
TIME IS SHORT, and much remains to be done. We hope the end of
this year will see the "WORLD TOMORROW" program going out over all
the larger stations of the Mutual net-work, Coast-to-Coast,
supplemented by about seven super-power 50,000-watt stations such
as WHO, Des Moines. We hope to see The PLAIN TRUTH circulation
jump to more than 100,000 copies during this year. We hope to be
able to develop enough office organization to be able to publish
The PLAIN TRUTH regularly the first of each month---to publish also
"The GOOD NEWS", another monthly publication devoted to feeding the
Flock---those who are converted---with the true spiritual food, and
the deeper spiritual truths. In addition we hope to be able to
resume publication of the "Bible Study Quarterly", suitable for
private home study, or for the Bible classes, or for Sabbath or
Sunday schools. And we hope, too, to be able in due time to
publish some 40 or 50 booklets covering specific important
doctrinal subjects. Yes, we have the goals set high, for we have
a clear VISION of the work God has given us to do. He has been
moving on before, opening the way, laying open the hearts of a
growing group of Co-Workers to GIVE of their tithes and offerings,
that we together may GIVE of the true Gospel---without money and
without price.
While this work is wholly INDEPENDENT of MEN and of man-
made or political organizations of men, such as denominations,
sects or federations,---as we believe it SHOULD be to be truly
GOD'S WORK---yet it is wholly DEPENDENT upon GOD for everything.
We try to WALK IN THE LIGHT as He GIVES us the light---to preach,
boldly and fearlessly, the TRUTH, and to LIVE that truth as we go.
God has blessed this work richly and abundantly. It's
FRUITS are those of a work specially called, directed, empowered,
and blessed of GOD---and by their FRUITS ye shall know them! God
Himself is WORKING in this work. To those who see that, and wish
to place GOD'S TITHES and their liberal offerings besides, where
GOD is working, we express our sincerest and deepest heart-felt
THANKS and gratitude. May God bless you, as He has blessed and is
blessing us and His work!
And now, may I give our Co-Workers a report of the
present status of God's work? Please read carefully, prayerfully,
every word.
As I have explained to most of our co-workers before, the
very phenomenal success of the broadcast over station WHO plunged
us into a crisis. I believe it will be past as soon as the current
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH is mailed out.
We had expected station WHO to add something less than
$100 per week to our expense---figuring station-time cost alone.
I estimated, based upon experience in using six other stations,
between 200 and 300 requests per broadcast for The PLAIN TRUTH