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left almost wholly without meaning. They are a warning for our
people in OUR TIME! Yes, even much of Jeremiah and Isaiah---much
of Revelation, Daniel, and other important prophecies. To proclaim
this life-and-death warning for our nation IS THE MOST IMPORTANT
After all these years, I can look back now and see that
all my business experience and training in the years before I
entered the active ministry, was a PREPARATION for the present
task. I was very specially trained and fitted for every phase of
this present work in a manner I did not dream of then.
The broadcasts evolved from the conception of a church
service condensed to 20 minutes employing radio technique, to the
present "WORLD TOMORROW" program of news analysis and Bible
prophecy. Twenty years spent in the newspaper and magazine fields,
in almost every department of the publishing business, has fitted
me primarily for this program. Also it trained me for editing and
publishing The PLAIN TRUTH and other booklets and articles.
Always, from the first, this radio work has been a WORK
OF FAITH. Always it has been NON-denominational. It is a channel
thru which GOD'S TRUE MESSAGE may be proclaimed boldly to the
nation without taint or influence of the "babylonish" traditions
that seem to grip the world today, and that have deceived all
From the first we have tried to conduct God's work GOD'S
WAY. The Gospel must not be SOLD like merchandise---it must go
FREE. You'll never see the words "PRICE, so much" on The PLAIN
TRUTH or on any literature we publish or send out. You'll never
hear us beg for money over the air---and the very fact that it is
"customary" makes us the more determined to depart from the
traditions of men, and adhere to the rules of God! We never take
up collections in public meetings or services. God's way is to
GIVE, not to GET. God expects HIS PEOPLE to freely give---to give
even at the cost of sacrifice---that the Gospel and the LAST
WARNING may be carried forth and given FREELY to others. Our
policy is to pay as we go, running no bills.
Gradually, continuously, this work has grown to its
present national and international influence. At this writing,
"The WORLD TOMORROW" program is going out every Sunday morning at
8:30 over the Liberty Net-Work in the Pacific Northwest---including
stations KXL, Portland; KRSC, Seattle; and KGA, Spokane. At 9:30
Sunday morning it is broadcast over KMTR, Los Angeles, and KFMB,
San Diego. At 9:45 over KORE, Eugene. And then at 11:P.M. Central
war time, over super-power 50,000-watt clear-channel WHO, Des
Moines. At this hour, WHO is the most powerful station in America
for REACHING OUT---in fact it is probably the ONLY station which
has a regular listening audience in EVERY STATE in the Union, as
well as EVERY PROVINCE in Canada, for the simple reason it is the
only clear-channel 50,000-watt station near enough the CENTER of
the North American continent to be heard over the WHOLE continent.
We receive letters from the northernmost parts of Canada, from the
Panama Canal zone, from the British West Indies in the Atlantic.