The PLAIN TRUTH made its bow before some 200 readers one
month later, on February 1st. That first number was printed on a
mimeograph machine. I borrowed the use of a typewriter to cut the
stencils, and borrowed the use of the mimeograph. A friend
contributed $5 which covered the cost of paper, ink, stencils, and
postage for that first number. The coming issue of The PLAIN TRUTH
will cost upwards of a thousand dollars to publish and to mail.
That first number had a circulation of about 200 copies, as nearly
as I can remember---while the coming number will have a press-run
of 25,000 copies!
From that time on the work grew steadily. Each time was
devoted to holding personal evangelistic campaigns, and many
precious souls were given us for our hire. After some three or
four years, during which the RADIO CHURCH grew to be a real Lane
county institution, the way finally opened to expand the broadcast
to include a Portland station. We started there on station KXL,
then on a power of 100 watts. The station changed hands after nine
months, and the new owner refused to carry any religious programs.
We then went over to KWJJ which then had a power of 500 watts. It
increased later to 1,000 watts. Just recently we have gone back to
KXL, which now broadcasts the Message on a power of 10,000 watts,
Oregon's most powerful station, again under different ownership.
But to go back a little. For a time, just prior to
coming to Eugene, we had joined a local church organization. I
received a small salary, with our house rent paid, and vegetables,
fruit and most of the groceries furnished---the selection being
made for us by others. We found, however, that it was impossible
to receive even this humble "salary" without being told what I
dared preach, and how I must conduct God's work. I came to see
that if a man hires you, you must serve THAT MAN---or the
denomination, or organization. And so it was that at the time we
first came to Eugene, my wife and I made a solemn pledge to God
that from henceforth, we would look to Him ALONE for "salary" and
all financial support. If we would serve God, we must look to HIM
for the "salary". Then and there we dedicated our lives to Him and
His service, on the basis of pure FAITH in His promises to supply
every need. And from that day on, our work has prospered.
During these past few years we have come into a
constantly fuller understanding of the prophecies. Many of the
prophecies, closed until now, began to open to our understanding.
Gradually, little by little, and continuously, God had never ceased
to reveal more and more of the TRUTH we know now He has called us
to proclaim. We came to see and to understand the many prophecies
---whole BOOKS of prophecies---pertaining to this present war and
the time of the immediate future.
We came to see God's great WARNING to America and to
Britain that we shall LOSE this war UNLESS OUR PEOPLE REPENT OF
God helping us, we know of no one else proclaiming this
solemn warning to our nation! And yet, unless it is proclaimed,
WHOLE BOOKS of the Bible, such as Ezekiel, Amos, Hosea, Joel, are