around, this great work God is doing thru YOU and me is reaching---
AND CONVERTING! If you could just SEE what it's doing, you'd know
that every dollar you put into this, GOD'S WORK, is doing MORE
GOOD, and going farther, than any other place it could go!
FROM LANCASTER, ENGLAND: "Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have
received your book, 'Marriage and Divorce,' and 'The Plain Truth,'
for which I send my sincerest thanks. Like many in your book on
Marriage, I didn't realize the solemnity of marriage, and believed
whole-heartedly in the man-made laws of divorce. I can only say
that my eyes have been opened very widely indeed. I have now put
behind me all my old ideas and moral concepts of this previously
controversial subject. I thank you for this book, and I know that
with God's help I can live up to the standard that I have set my-
self. 'The Plain Truth' was also an 'eye-opener,' and I enjoyed
reading it so much and learned so much from it, that I would like
you (if possible) to send it to me continually. I have filled in
the coupon and enclose it with this letter. In 'The Plain Truth'
was an article with the title 'What's Wrong with Modern Education.'
I can honestly say that I agree with every word. I received, what
is known in England as a Secondary or Grammar School education, and
it is a very comprehensive education, indeed, but I cannot honestly
say that I have been taught, to quote your words, 'the purpose for
which I was put on this earth,' and I have indeed been taught 'how
to make a living, but not how to live.' I know now where I have
gone wrong in life, and have accepted Christ, and will in the
future serve Him and try to get other people to serve Him. I thank
you very much for what you have done for me. I will pray for you
and your work every night (please pray for me, too) and may the
work help millions more as it has helped me."
Co-Workers, can you read a letter like that, and not be
deeply MOVED? YOUR DOLLARS, AND YOUR PRAYERS have made such a
great work, helping millions of lives around the world, possible!
Are we going to let it fail now?
FROM DEVONSHIRE, ENGLAND---"Dear Sir: Your remarkable
magazine, 'The Plain Truth,' arrived two days ago, but I have not
been able to thank you until this moment. No words can convey my
thoughts in reading it---a God-inspired message to our unhappy
Godless world! May the Almighty bless you, and protect you in this
your great work for humanity! I thank you from my heart for this
issue of 'The Plain Truth,' and your generous offer to enter my
name on your mailing list. Thank God, you dare speak the TRUTH to
this smug, complacent world! God give you His power and blessings!
Again, THANK YOU."
I could go on, giving you scores and scores of such letters
from England. Just this one more: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: Am sending
a letter of encouragement so that you carry on the good work. My
wife and I are regular listeners of your broadcasts. We look for-
ward to it now each week, as it is so stimulating. We are very
fond of your son's and daughter's singing. We think they sing very
nice indeed. Well, Mr. Armstrong, we did not have the June edition
of 'The Plain Truth.' We miss it very much. We look forward to it
every month now, as it is so interesting to read. Would you also